Design An Intelligent Mouse Computer Science Essay Free Essay Example

Purpose of the undertaking is to present an intelligent mouse for presentation. When a individual is making a presentation, he/she has to remain near the computing machine tabular array. If the individual wants to make a successful presentation he should travel and must acquire the oculus contact with audience.

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But when a normal computing machine or a laptop is used, it ‘s an torment to travel around the computing machine tabular array. As a solution for this affair, nowadays a radio mouse can be used.

It looks like a distant accountant and besides a button should be pressed if the pointer of the mouse is required to be moved. When the presentation is being done, it is hard to keep the pointer for a minute. This is the ground for planing the intelligent mouse for presentations. The usage of this helps it users to travel the pointer harmonizing to the manus motion wirelessly.

1.4 Aims.

1. To plan an intelligent mouse for the presentation at a low cost.

2. To minimise the emphasis.

3. To salvage the clip.

4. To increase the liking to make the presentations.

5. To minimise the mistakes which can happen when pull stringsing the pointer.

6. To pull the audience.

1.5 Expected characteristics of the system.

1. Range up to 50 metres.

2. Interface with Ps2 connection.

3. Mouse pointer can be moved without pressing button.

4. User friendly and little.

5. Easy to command.

6. Not necessary to keep the mouse.


Range up to 100 metres

Comfortable to make presentations.

Working electromotive force: 5V

Not necessary any optical maser point.

1.7 Disadvantages.

Not back up for USB.

For mouse activate, have to press the button.

Chapter 2


2.1 Literature Survey of Techniques.

There are merchandises that implement radio mouse, but no patents, right of first publications, or hallmarks to forestall from bring forthing our ain version.

X-Pointer 210 ( Full Mouse Control / Laser Pointer and 64 Meg USB Flash Drive ) ( ( Fig.2.1.1 ) A


Figure: 2.1-X-pointer 210.

X-pointer RF radio presenters were foremost introduced to the Korean market back in 2001. They rapidly gained a repute for quality and dependability. Even with inexpensive imitations and low cost name trade names made in China, X-pointer has dominated the domestic market of all time since. X-pointer merely makes presenters and all merchandises are designed and manufactured in Korea to the highest criterions. X-pointers are now available in the US with a scope of merchandises to run into all demands of presentation. By utilizing Radio ( RF ) alternatively of Infra-red ( IR ) communicating, X-Pointer offers greater scope, dependability and freedom of motion.

Product Description.

X-Pointer 210 consists of a Transmitter and a Receiver.

The Transmitter has 6 input buttons, 1 switch and 1 optical maser button.

The Receiver consists of USB Plug, LED and 64 Megabytes of Flash Memory. Feature.

X-Pointer 210 maps as a optical maser arrow and a Personal computer remote control. It enables to do presentations without any aid.

X-Pointer 210 can command multimedia plans such as Win Amp, Windows Media participant every bit good as MS PowerPoint.

X-Pointer 210 minimizes directional and installing jobs of the bing infrared devices, by using RF to the informations transmittal.

X-Pointer 210 can command multimedia plans such as Win Amp, Windows Media participant every bit good as MS PowerPoint.

X-Pointer 210 minimizes directional and installing jobs of the bing infrared devices, by using RF to the informations transmittal.

Maximal observing country is 15M ( 50ft. ) so can travel freely during presentations.

2.1.2 USB Wireless presenter/presentation with LCD clip show and multimedia mouse.

Figure: 2.2-USB Wireless mouse. Product Description.

1. Laser arrow.

2. Wireless smart Presenter ( Remote control Page up/down ) .

3. Wireless mouse.

4. PowerPoint show.

5. Wireless presenter ( remote control clean screen )

6. Clock.

7. Self-definite timing dismay.

8. Fixed clocking dismay.

9. Second counter.

10. Built-in brassy memory ( optional ) . Feature.

1. USB plug-and-play, no driver required.

2. System: WINDOWS98/2000/ME/XP Linux & A ; Mac OS.

3. Technology: Radio Frequency.

4. Control distance: up to 20m.

5. Working electromotive force: 3V.

6. Sleep current: 1uA.

7. Wavelength: 650nm.

8. Max end product: & lt ; 1mW or & lt ; 5Mw.

2.1.3 LTD 27-008 Wireless Presenter Mouse.


Figure: 2.3-LTD 27-008 Mouse.

LTD 27-008 Wireless Presenter Mouse has an eight directional pointer and Lashkar-e-Taibas control note book at a distance during presentation and can utilize the mouse as a optical maser arrow when needed. Another major characteristic of this mouse is its black screen map that can be used at convenience if required to acquire the attending for address instead than the screen. Product Description.

Eight directional pointer.

Black screen map.

Laser arrow.

Wireless mouse.

Wireless accelerometer based 3-D Game mouse.

Beginning: Figure: 2.4-3D game mouse.

This undertaking is designed 3-axis accelerometer and CYWM6935 Wireless integrated faculty with AVR micro accountant. Simple low cost, low power detector inersyel based on mouse and radio capablenesss will supply easiness of usage. It can be used is utile in 3-D gambling applications. It may good utilize the Recognition and jest jiroskop extra and complete 6-degree of freedom at that place. Accelerometer-based 3-D mouse would assist in many ways to the pilotage screen, and little QFN bundle size can even be easy entered the nomadic interface with Blue tooth.

Figure: 2.5-3D Mouse motion. Feature.

Can command 3-axes, particular for 3-D game playing.

Interface with Bluetooth.

Scope of up to 50 metres.

Operating electromotive force from 2.7V to 3.6V.

Chapter 3


3.1 Explanation of the proposed method.

Shown below in figure 3.1.1 is the block diagram layout of the design.

The proposed system is divided into chief two parts.

Wearable baseball mitts faculty ( Transmitting portion ) .

Base station ( Receiving portion ) .

The wearable detector will take the X and Y way informations produced by the accelerometer and do findings on the velocity, distance, and acceleration. The wearable constituent will direct its interpreted informations wirelessly to the base station.

Figure: 3.1-Block diagram of Wearable faculty.

3.1.1 Wearable Module ( Transmitter Unit ) .

The wearable faculty consists of an accelerometer, microcontroller, Encoder IC and sender unit harmonizing to the block diagram illustrated in the figure: 3.1.1, when the manus is moved to X way or Y way. Acceleration is measured by the accelerometer harmonizing to X way or Y way. Then this acceleration value is converted into the digital value utilizing PIC 16F877A Microcontroller. After that, this information is sent to the HT12E IC to delegate the reference and send to the RF faculty.

Figure: 3.2-movement of manus.

3.1.2 Base Station ( Receiving Unit ) .

The base station is the end product subdivision of the undertaking design. It consists of the RF receiving system unit, microcontroller and Personal computer for exposing the end product informations received from the wearable baseball mitt detector.

Figure: 3.3-Block diagram of Base station.

3.2 Conceptual Design.

3.2.1 Accelerometer Sensor Unit.

The execution of the intelligent mouse system is centered on the parallel devices ADXL330 dual axis accelerometer. Which is quicksilver or electrolytic detector could hold been used in topographic point of the accelerometer to observe motion of our manus. Accelerometers a detector or a transducer which converts the effects of mechanical gesture into an electrical signal that is relative to the acceleration value of the gesture. The basic rule of accelerometer based placement is dual integrating of accelerations to alterations in place.

Figure: 3.4 ADXL 330 accelerometer.

The device that enables this is a bantam teeny IMEM [ Micro Electro-Mechanical System ] which can be measured anything between A±1g to A±20g. [ Some of the high g accelerometers measure A±20g to A±250g ]

What ‘s a “ g ” ?

A “ g ” is a unit of acceleration holding a value of 9.8

Its equivalent to:

1g = 1*9.8 = 9.8 m/s2

2g = 2*9.8 = 19.6m/s2

“ g ” in world:

The undermentioned describes the two most popularly used accelerometers.

Both of these accelerometers work on the same rule, but utilizing different engineerings.

3.2.2 The Principle of Analog Devices ADXL330.

The ADXL330 has a movable mass inside it which responds to quivers, joust or jerks.The detector component is a differential capacitance whose end product is relative to acceleration. The beam is made up of many interdigitated fingers. Each set of fingers can be visualized as shown below:

Figure: 3.5-accelerometer.

The motion of the beam is controlled by the poly Si springs keeping the beam. These springs and the beam ‘s mass obey the Torahs of natural philosophies.

The force ( F ) on a mass ( m ) topic to acceleration ( a ) , harmonizing to Newton ‘s Second Law, is

F = m a

The warp ( x ) of a restraining spring harmonizing to Hooke ‘s Law is relative to the applied force:

F = K x

From the above two equationsaˆ¦

a ( acceleration ) is relative to x ( supplanting )

It is helpful to calculate the acceleration.

3.2.3 Output of an Accelerometer.

The ADXL provides two signifiers of informations end product.

PWM end product.

Analogue end product

3.2.4 Calibration of Accelerometer.

The standardization informations is needed to change over the ADC readings into real-world values. The acceleration detector should read applied force and return a graduated value in g. The ADXL 330 has a full graduated table scope of 3g. With a 3 V supply, the typical sensitiveness is 330mV/g. The centre or zero degree of the ADXL330 is Vdd /2 or 1.5V.

However, IEEE 1451.2 specifies that all transducer informations must be in footings of SI units. Recall from college natural philosophies that 1g is 9.81m/s2. So the acceleration detector will be set to read 9.81m/s2. The sum of standardization informations to take is application dependant. For the pedometer we used 2nd order multinomial, with informations taken at each major accelerometer orientation. For gauging the calibrating values, the undermentioned equations can be used.

Table 3.1

Voltage Vs is 3 V, if the acceleration addition by 1 g, the end product electromotive force will increase 330 millivolts ( typical ) .

3.2.5 Distance Calculation.

The basic rule of accelerometer to find the distance is dual incorporating the acceleration. To come close a good parabolic equation ‘s built-in, Simpson ‘s regulation was used on every set of three samples, with the 3rd sample of one information set being the first sample of the following information set.

3.2.6 Simpson ‘s Rule.

Figure: 3.2.3 show the accelerometer end product signal, by happening the country under the curve of the accelerometer informations, the distance can be determined which user has travelled. In order to execute this computation accurately, Simpson ‘s Rule is used to better our numerical estimate. Simpson ‘s Rule states that ;


Figure: 3.6 – Accelerometer end product signal.

Harmonizing to the figure:3.2.3 is the initial value of the axis acceleration, degree Fahrenheit ( ( a+b ) /2 ) is the in-between value, and degree Fahrenheit ( B ) is the terminal value As a consequence, It is required to take 3 samples of the acceleration information in order to execute such integrating. The clip interval between each sample is 16ms, therefore our numerical integrating becomes:

Where degree Fahrenheit ( ten ) is a signal such as

Chapter 4

Fabrication OF HARDWARE.

4.1 Detailss about the components/ICs traveling to be usage.

PIC 16F 877a SMD is planned to take as the chief microcontroller for sender unit and receiving system unit.

High-performance, Low-power PIC 8-bit Microcontroller.

Advanced RISC Architecture32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers.

Fully Inactive Operation Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHz

Nonvolatile Program and Data Memories 32K Bytes of In-System Self-Programmable Flash.

Byte-oriented Two-wire Serial Interface.

Programmable Consecutive USART.

Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface.

Low cost.

Figure: 4.1-PIC16F877A micro accountant.

4.2 Transmitter Unit.

Relevant position information is transmitted wirelessly to a base station utilizing a TLP-434A sender. The wearable faculty uses PIC16 F 877A microcontroller as the chief interface constituent to the accelerometer.

4.2.1 Wireless Transmitter Module.

Figure: 4.2-RF sender Module.


Operating Current – 25mA.

Modulation- ASK ( Amplitude Modulation ) .

Operating Temperature Range-10oC~+60oC.

Interface – 3PIN ( flip 2.54mm ) .

Input Signal Interface – TTL degree.

Radiated Power – 15MW.

Particular Point – little size, high power, long scope ( unfastened to 100 metres ) .

Modulation Rate-3kHz and WorkswithHT12E Encoder.

Figure: 4.2.2pin diagram of RF faculty.

Table: 4.1

Receiver faculty oscillates indiscriminately and adds the noise informations, external interventions when there is no sender on. Therefore the informations ca n’t be straight transmitted or received utilizing microcontroller. As a solution of above affair it is of import to delegating reference for sender and receiving system informations. HT 12E and HT 12D encoder and Decoder are supply the 8 spot address and 4 spot informations for the Data transmittal.

4.3 HT 12E encoder IC.

Figure: 4.3-Encorder IC.

Figure: 4.4-Frequency V electromotive force diagram

4.3.1 Calculation for the Data transmittal clip.

Supply electromotive force =5v

Rocs =750K

Harmonizing to chart Oscillation frequency= 3.9 KHz

There for Tosc=13.9KHz

= 256uS

Data Bit Time=3xTosc

= 768uS

An information word consists of 4 periods as illustrated below

Figure: 4.5

Pilot period=12x768us

Sync clip =256us

Address codification period=8x768uS

Data Code period=4x768uS

Entire clip for the information informations word=19.3mS

Figure: 4.6-flow chart of Encoder.

Information informations word transmits the four clip.There for entire clip for one information informations word.



4.4 Schematic for sender unit.

Figure: 4.7- Schematic for sender unit.

In the execution of this undertaking it has been selected carefully a microcontroller so that it could efficaciously back up accelerometer presently available every bit good as any others that may be added in the hereafter. Therefore, foremost of all, a general low cost and high public presentation microcontroller must be selected. It was decided to utilize PIC16 F 877A micro accountant. The bit is equipped with several characteristics that have proven exceptionally utile for the intents in this undertaking.

It is basically that the cardinal processing unit and handles all calculations or I/O capablenesss necessary for the system. Harmonizing to figure 14 accelerometer connect the microcontroller parallel pin RA3, RA4.acceleomete get the parallel electromotive force harmonizing to X or Y way. After that Micro accountant converts to the digital value utilizing ADC. Above ADC value send to the HT12E IC. After that assign the reference for the ADC value and transmit informations utilizing RF faculty.

4.5 Base Station ( Receiving Unit ) .

The base station is the end product subdivision of the undertaking design. It consists of the RF receiving system unit, microcontroller and Personal computer for exposing the end product informations received from the wearable baseball mitt detector.

4.6 Receiver Unit.

The chief map of the receiving system unit is to observe the RF signal transmitted by the TLP-434A and give the response harmonizing to the received informations from the receiving system. Varies constituents of the receiving system unit has its ain map. RLP-434 receives the RF signal, PIC16 f 877A processes the input informations and produces a corresponding response, Personal computer considered as the end product unit displays the processed information from the microprocessor.


Figure: 4.8-Receiver unit.

Antenna: Length = 22.6cm for 315MHz ; Length = 17.2 centimeter for 433.92MHz.

Ideal for 315/433.92MHz Remote Keyless-Entry Receives.

Plants with HT12D or other Decoder.

Dimensions: Width – 43.4mm, Height – 11.5mm ( Excluding Pins ) .

4.8 HT12D Decoder IC.

Figure: 4.9-Decorder IC.

Figure: 4.10

Figure: 4.11Frequency V electromotive force diagram.

Supply voltage=5v


Harmonizing to chart oscillation frequency=200 KHz


Time for the one communication=77.2mS+2^ ( 12 ) x20uS


4.9 Schematic for Receiver unit.

Figure: 4.12- Schematic for Receiver unit.

Harmonizing to the conventional diagram illustrated in figure: 18 the Receiver unit informations pin connect to the HT 12D decipherer IC and after send to microcontroller Using above informations microcontroller convert to the X distance and Y distance utilizing Simon ‘s regulation. After that generate the Ps2 mouse protocol and direct to that information computing machine.

4.10 PS/2 mouse interface.

Following inputs are supported by the standard PS/2 mouse interface: Ten ( right/left ) motion, Y ( up/down ) motion, left button, in-between button, and right button. The mouse sporadically reads these inputs and updates assorted counters and flags to reflect motion and button provinces. There are many PS/2 indicating devices that have extra inputs and may describe informations otherwise than described in this papers. One popular extension covered subsequently in this papers is the Microsoft Intelligent mouse, which includes support for the criterion inputs every bit good as a scrolling wheel and two extra buttons.

The mouse has two counters that keep path of motion: the Ten motions counter and the Y motions counter. These are 9-bit 2 ‘s complement values and each has an associated overflow flag. Their contents, along with the province of the three mouse buttons, are sent to the host in the signifier of a 3-byte motion informations package. The motion counters represent the mouse ‘s offset comparative to its place when the old motion informations package was issued, or when the last non- ” Resend ” ( 0xFE ) bid was successfully sent to the host.

Movement Data Packet.

The standard PS/2 mouse sends movement/button information to the host utilizing the undermentioned 3-byte package.

Figure: 4.13-Ps/2 informations package.

The motions values are 9-bit 2 ‘s complement whole numbers, where the most important spot appears as a “ mark ” spot in byte 1 of the motion informations package. Their value represents the mouse ‘s offset comparative to its place when the old package was sent, in units determined by the current declaration. The scope of values that can be expressed is -255 to +255. If this scope is exceeded, the appropriate overflow spot is set.

Figure: 4.14-Ps/2 protocol.

Chapter 5


5.1 HT 12E and HT 12D decipherer.

Under the trial status character missive “ H ” was transmitted continuously by sender unit and it was received by the computing machine, following figure is illustrate the received informations.

Figure: 5.l-Received informations.

5.2 Accelerometer end product linear signal.

Following figure illustrate Accelerometer parallel end product.

Figure: 5.2-Accelerometer end product signal.

5.3Designing the printed circuit board.

Main circuit board design utilizing pressing method utilizing sticker paper.

Figure: 5.3-printed circuit board.

5.4 Transmitter unit.

The manus motion is being identified by the circuit utilizing accelerometer & A ; converts that value ADC. Using RF sender transmit above ADC value to Receiver unit.HT 12E IC is used to cut down noise when information transmittal.

Transmitter unit is powered by 9V battery and electromotive force ordinance is done by the popular 7805 electromotive force regulator IC ( 5V and 1A full-load current ) .all integrated circuits include the Master circuit are working under the District of Columbia 5V supply.

Transmitter unit is driven by the MicrochipA® PIC16F877A 8 spot microcontroller ; it has an on-chip Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter ( USART ) and 256 byte EEPROM. 4MHz external crystal resonating chamber provides the redstem storksbills for the microcontroller, under this clock frequence micro accountant can keep 1MHz direction rhythm.

5.5Main circuit board for the Receiver unit ( Base Station ) .

The base station is the end product subdivision of the undertaking design. It consists of the RF receiving system unit, microcontroller and Personal computer for exposing the end product informations received from the wearable baseball mitt detector.

5.6Wearable faculty for the Hand.

The wearable faculty consists of an accelerometer and mouse activation button. When the manus is moved to X way or Y way, acceleration is measured by the accelerometer harmonizing to X way or Y way. Then this acceleration value is converted into the digital value utilizing PIC 16F877A Microcontroller.

Chapter 6


6.1 Low baud rate of Transmitter Receiver Module

The sender receiving system faculties which are used here are non adequate baud rate ( 2400bps ) to convey the acceleration informations. RF faculty ca n’t be used without Encoder and Decoder IC.Therefore the HT12E Encoder and HT12D decoder IC were used. The Encoder and Decoder IC are merely supported by 4bit.Approximately 100ms are taken by one transmittal.

6.2 Noise decrease of Accelerometer.

When the Accelerometer is moved to X or Y way, noise signal is added. The average value of acceleration was used to cut down the noise. When the Accelerometer angle X way or Y way, tilt angle comes as acceleration. The scope of tilt angle was considered as a solution for this affair.

6.3 Conclusion and Future work.

Purpose of the undertaking is to present an intelligent mouse for presentation. When a individual is making a presentation, he/she has to remain near the computing machine tabular array. If the individual wants to make a successful presentation it is required to travel and acquire the oculus contact with audience.

But when a normal computing machine or a laptop is used, it ‘s an torment to travel around the computing machine tabular array. As a solution for this affair, nowadays a radio mouse can be used. It looks like a distant accountant and besides a button should be pressed if the pointer ofthe mouse is required to be moved. When the presentation is being done, it is hard to keep the pointer for a minute. This is the ground for planing the intelligent mouse for presentations. The usage of this helps it users to travel the pointer harmonizing to the manus motion wirelessly.

The intelligent mouse was designed for presentation. It helps to presenter to make the presentation which the mouse curser can be moved harmonizing to the manus motion with wirelessly. This mouse can be used to command computing machine remotely.

The undertaking was completed successfully. The mouse on any computing machine with Ps/2 port could be controlled wirelessly utilizing acceleration and tilt angle of manus. The sensitiveness of the pointer in response to manus motion was moderate giving the user reasonably controls good and smooth. In add-on, the undertaking can be used to play mouse controlled game and many other synergistic game.

The overall operation of device complied with the full demand set out in the original design proposal reflecting on some of the determination at that place. Firstly It is expected to see the USB connexion instead than Ps/2 connexion.The ground is that every bit opposed to modern desktop computing machine about all modern laptop do non hold Ps/2 port.

It would be valuable to include an car power off manner such that the current ingestion would be reduced by the sender dramatically when the device is non in usage.

Chapter 7

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