Embox Os Is An Open Source Computer Science Essay Free Essay Example

Abstract- The EmboxA OS is an unfastened beginning cross-platform ( RTOS ) real-time operating system, designed and developed for resource constrained environment such as hardware simulators. The chief characteristic of embox OS include the development of hardware and analyzing hardware paradigm, every bit good as it works on end-user devices as a full-featured operating system. With this of import characteristic it offers the environment for development of embedded applications. The architecture of Embox OS meat is exokernel, which enables the coders to interact with the hardware straight therefore enable the simulators to accomplish high public presentation by avoiding most of the abstractions in meat.

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The embox meat is modular besides, faculties are loaded in memory when needed.

Keywords: Embedded, OS, RTOS, OperatingSystem, Realtime, HardwareTesting, C, Assembly, A Education, SPARC, A Microblaze, A ARM, x86, A Lego, A NXT


An operating system ( OS ) is use for pull offing hardware resources of a system and hosting applications or plans that runs the system. But these undertakings are specially designed to run procedures with really precise timing and dependability in existent clip runing systems ( RTOS ) .

The Embox OS is an unfastened beginning cross-platform real-time operating system. Its chief characteristics include its exokernel modular meats, the meat is configurable for a specific hardware or undertaking. It is used as a proving frame-work for hardware simulators. It is besides use as a development tool for developing applications for embed system every bit good as it ‘s a complete operating system with web capablenesss. It allow to configure its meat for a specific device to avoid other abstraction of meat in debugging manner.

In short Embox is development Eden for system coders, hardware developers, research workers, and meat developers. It ‘s a complete bundle contain sufficient tools to implement something new. Plus different faculties can be loaded into meats if required. This paper covers inside informations on

Embox OS development, its characteristics, Embox Architecture, Embox Kernel Architecture, file system, web, supported platforms and its hereafter work.


This undertaking is started by employees of Hardware Engineering Department of Lanit-Tercom Inc as a portion of commercial undertaking in 2009. Soon its codification was made unfastened beginning to portion with others. Now development squad consists of Students of Saint Petersburg State University every bit good as laminitis of the undertaking themselves [ 1 ] .


Cross-Plate Form

Embox is cross-plate signifier OS, presently it can be ported on five processors: x86, ARM, SPARC, MIPS and Microblaza [ 2 ] . Due to the interrelated faculties, each of which can be configured to the needed parametric quantities it ‘s comparatively easy and simple to port Embox to the new architecture. All you need to cognize is a chiseled Hardware Abstraction degree interface.

Modular and configurable meats

Embox is designed into a set of powdered faculties, each has some implemented interface. Its meat is micro and all faculties works with the meat, the meat is besides called exokernel through which plans straight interact with hardware. Thus it can be tuned for a specific use [ 3 ] .

Testing model

Embox contain an embedded unit proving model which is used for debugging, developing and self-checking hardware and package faculties.

Planing a new hardware

Embox is extremely configurable system which run in dedicated environment for hardware simulators. Thus it can be used in early hardware development phases. Hardware demand can be estimated during design stage and in debugging stage one can fix set of trial demand for proving and coverage. There are several simulators and you can debug your codification without hardware platform. The chief simulator used by embox is QEMU [ 4 ] .

Certification procedure

Similarly a physique used in embox allows to acquire a beginning distribution merely for a needed faculties. It makes the procedure cheaper by cut downing the sum of codification needed for enfranchisement. In add-on this physique allows to acquire files lists and faculties graph.


Embox has base degree and faculty architecture, its architecture is used in fig. 1 [ 5 ] .http: //embox.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/EmboxArchitecture/arch.png

Fig. . Embox Architecture


It is the interface nidation that need for porting Embox to a new architecture. HAL supports practical memory primitives, Memory Management Unit ( MMU ) , Instruction Traps, I/O Access Limitation, Timing Control, atomic operation clock etc. [ 6 ]


Like the whole system, Embox meat is besides of modular design. The type of Embox kernel architecture is exokernel. Which includes the undermentioned parts [ 8 ] :


Hardware and package interrupts managing

Timers and clock beginning direction


Hardware and package interrupts managing

Kernel belongingss

Data Separation

Damage Restriction

Timesharing the processor between the dividers ( togss, undertakings or event animal trainers )


Drivers provide a combine plan interface to the hardware devices and plan pseudo-devices. It ‘s similar to HAL but it work on external devices while HAL supports internal devices like CPU [ 7 ] .


Servicess bed or library is the faculty which provide services to different system parts and users application through a chiseled interface ( API ) , unlike drivers it does non entree hardware, and services include file system, Network, proving services, protection like encoding unity monitoring and other services like artworks [ 9 ] .

Embox meat architecture

Embox uses modular meats like the whole system. Fig. 2 shows different faculties and its communicating with other faculties and beds.


Supplanting Multi-tasking

Supplanting is the simplest multi-tasking signifier, the system loads several undertaking but the CPU clip is allocated to one active undertaking. Task exchanging or multi-tasking occurs either when the active undertaking terminals or when it enters a cringle from external event. The planning method is same as in MS-DOS, application undertaking can capture the processor any clip.

Concerted multitasking

In concerted multitasking the current undertaking itself give its CPU scheduler, and selects the following undertaking. It is besides used in Linux meat or POSIX togss every bit good as Windowss to make togss i.e. SCHED_PR or SCHED_FIFO, windows gets undertaking which sent the message and it does non manage it when it returns to the scheduler. This method is non safe because the application yarn can devour all the CPU clip. But this is easy to implement so it ‘s the duty of the developer to pull off it efficaciously.

Preemptive multitasking

In preemptive multi-tasking the scheduler allocates clip to each undertaking. When termination of quantum scheduler suspends the job, it find the followers job which both conducts the following quantum. This procedure is called planning. It is produced by different algorithms, these algorithms are called programming policy. There are two type of planning. Inactive and

hypertext transfer protocol: //embox.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/Kernel/kernel-architecture.png

Fig. Embox Kernel Architecture

Dynamic. Most of the systems build on rule of dynamic programming. System during run clip decides which task to give processor clip. Depending on these scenes scheduler decides which task to give CPU clip. While in inactive programming undertaking is given clip in per centum clip or on involvement granted precedence for illustration in existent clip system which require mathematical undertaking confirmation executing clip [ 10 ] .


Togss can be interrupted by scheduler, the flow is replaced by another yarn. The basic flow field is the context i.e the province of processor during the executing of the flow. When resuming, the CPU returns the province it was interrupted, the procedure of salvaging current province and get downing new processor province is called context shift. The execution inside informations ever has extra information like ID, position and put to death the fuction. To make a new thread thread_create call is called, every bit good as the properties are set in the flow i.e joinable, running etc. Memory to the new yarn is allocated dynamically. To liberate up the memory the thread_detach ( ) or thread_join ( ) is called, or you can stipulate when you create the watercourse flagA THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED. thread_join ( ) besides allows the current yarn to wait and see the consequences of the completion of the yarn. After naming these maps will be told that the memory can be removed. With each dealing scheduler yarn province changes.A It either goes to kip or suspend it, or both.A Leave the thread scheduler can merely be completed.A At the completion of the flow position will

alteration toA suspendedA and so instantly goes toA issue [ 11 ] .


In RTOS embox programming is done by a portion scheduler faculty which implements the planning scheme shown in fig. 3.

hypertext transfer protocol: //embox.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/Scheduler/sched.png

Fig. scheduler API

Its chief map is the division of the CPU clip quanta and their distribution between context shift and togss. Planing schemes have simple algorithms for start-up and shutdown flow choice of the following. Therefore the general construction of multi-threading work like system communicates with the scheduler through the API ( sched api ) which is independent of scheme execution, and rge scheduler uses the API ‘s provided scheme ( sched_strategy api ) [ 12 ] .

Critical API

The Critical API is a mechanism for following current executing.

To understand it clearly let ‘s see an interrupt illustration.

An interrupt can happen if its precedence is higher than current Interrupt Priority Level or more exactly when two conditions are met the interrupts are non disabled by call ipl_save ( ) , and when there is no interrupt with higher precedence.

Merely a limited set of resources can be accessed by interrupt animal trainer. For illustration, it can wake up togss waiting for some event, but it ca n’t make a new yarn.

To see the possible executing contexts is configured in fig. 4 [ 13 ] C: UsersSlim ShadyDesktop able 4.jpg

Fig. 4

Memory Allotment

Memory allotment is done through algorithms which is managed balls of memory allocated to objects during executing. For case the dynamic objects with unknown size, set of objects of same nature and size, practical memory manner tabular array. Memory can be allocated to both direction every bit good as procedure. In this instance it ‘s utile to utilize practical memory manner. This consequences in isolation of procedure reference. To work with others practical memory allotment is done through paging.

Object Manager

This attack is utile when you want to apportion a great figure of objects with fixed size. The high boundary line of the figure of keeping objects is limited by fixed value before roll uping. Objects will be stored in the array with size equal to high boundary line. Then free elements of array nexus into list of free objects. So, allotment of object – returning a nexus to free infinite, de-allocation of object – returning of the nexus in the list of free object. Object director belong to O ( 1 ) complexness category, where N is an array size.

SLAB distributor

It is an algorithm with the chief end to minimise clip for operations by apportioning and low-level formatting some parts of dynamic memory for objects with the same size.

Algorithm do n’t cognize that how many objects will be allocated by user? It try to apportion memory for some portion of object and initialise this portion ( called slab ) . Each slab will initialise as object director. Slabs may be free, partly full or full.

Allotment of object is done by seeking cache that contains objects holding appropriated size ( it ‘s requires figure of operations equal to figure of different sizes ) . Then we get first of partial full slabs and allocate object for O ( 1 ) operation. If slab is full, we delete it from list of partial full slabs and add to name of full slabs. It ‘s O ( 1 ) operations.

De-allocation of object – evidently it ‘s O ( 1 ) So, the chief costs consist of clip for initializing of each slab. It is O ( N ) , where N is figure of objects stored on slab. Obviously optimisations based on statistic to specify optimum init size of each slab.

Boundary Markers

Each form contains flag specified to liberate it or busy and figure ( int ) equal to its ain size. Its method allows to apportion objects of any size.

Allotment is done through list and hunt for “ appropriate ” block.

– First free

– The Best – In this instance we search block with minimal difference between it size and size of our object.

– The worst – As in old instance, but difference must be maximal. All algorithms belong to O ( N ) complexness category.

De-allocation Object is deleted by arrow. But when new block get free than it is combined with its about free blocks. It ‘s O ( 1 ) operations.

Buddy system

This algorithm represent pool of memory as binary tree. Component of tree is block of memory. Size of parent of each node is equal to dual size of kid. E.g. root has 2^n size. Its two kids have 2^ ( n-1 ) size and etc.

Allotment is done through tree from foliage to root and seek free block with appropriate size. Then tag it barricade as busy and travel to its kid to tag it, so travel to its kids and so on.

De-allocation is done by seeking appropriate block by arrow to it. Then mark it as free. Then travel to flick and by the manner grade other nodes if demand. Let ‘s look at brother of block ( this is its brother ) . If it is free, so unite them and tag their parent as free. Recursively make such merge for parent and so on [ 14 ] .

File System

It is an abstraction of file interface like ( unfastened ( ) , near ( ) , read ( ) , write ( ) , ioctrl ( ) ) every bit good as informations formats in storage devices and its distribution.

In Embox OS file system is consists of different and handle files and booklets in file system through symbolic names. Files can be created and deleted if permissions is allowed.

rootfs: Rootfs is a node with ramfs driver. Another systems merely mount another filesystem over rootfs and disregard it.

ramfs: Resizable simple random-access memory filesystem ( practical filesystem )

devfs: Device filesystem.

Embox File System Features

Embox can utilize initramfs ( cpio, pitch formats )

Embox can lade ELF files.

Embox can utilize an interface for a device driver that appears in a file system ( devfs ) [ 15 ] .

Partitions Interface

Similar rules can be implemented and integrated into Systems such as quadrupeds characteristic topographic points without difficult thrusts, furthermore, in some systems, the codification is executed straight from the brassy memory ( such as Lego Mindstorm ) . In any instance, the system begins to execute start-up codification from what is lasting storage, this codification is sometimes called the boot stevedore foremost degree, for illustration, it can read the divider tabular array and reassign control to the desired second-level boot stevedore, which in bend transportations control is the primary OS.

Disk construction

Disks are divided into subdivisions with independent file system on each divider. The general construction of the phonograph record is shown below.


Partition 1

Partition 2

Partition 3

Embedded systems start codification is frequently on the same media where plan. That is, the construction of the storage device is as follows ;

STORAGE_INFO may show a construction of the above.




Master Boot Record

Section 0 is called the maestro boot record ( MBR, Master Boot Record ) and is used to boot the computing machine. The beginning of this record – set assembly instructions that the startup ( boot the first degree ) . At the terminal of the maestro boot record contains the divider tabular array, which shops the start and terminal references of each staying subdivision ( so it shops information about the division of the staying infinite on the dividers ) . One of the subdivisions in the tabular array is marked as active. The undertaking of the stevedore foremost flat – happen the active divider and base on ballss control to its get downing reference.

Partition tabular array

In a MBR divider tabular array allocated 64 bytes. Each subdivision has a record of 16 bytes. Therefore, in the tabular array can hold merely 4 entries. In world, this means that any disc can be divided into no more than four subdivisions. In modern systems, this bound costs by presenting the construct of the drawn-out divider, but this is non of import. More information about the construction of the MBR and the divider tabular array will be subsequently.

Structure of divider

The start of every subdivision – boot block. He is ever present. Boot block contains some feasible codification ( boot 2nd degree ) , which loads the operating system, as contained in this subdivision. Even if the subdivision does non incorporate the OS, the boot block is still there for consistence.

The remainder of the construction of the disc can change from system to system, the circuit shown in the image are non more than a sort of recommendation is that normally it contains. Superblock contains cardinal parametric quantities file system is read into memory when the computing machine the first clip a file system. Typical information contained in it – a “ charming figure ” that identifies the system files, the figure of blocks in the file system, and more.

Further information is available on the file system blocks ( for illustration, as a electronic image or a list of arrows ) . Following normally have more information about the file system, depending on the type of file system. For illustration, information about the files that the root directory. Next is the existent files and directories that contain utile information.


The web subsystem implements the socket interface ( Berkeley sockets API ) in the system, and portion of the standard protocol stack. This gives the coder a convenient interface to the web with the other faculties and devices. Implements the undermentioned protocols [ 16 ] :

ARP ( RFC 826 )

IP ( RFC 791 )

UDP ( RFC 768 )

ICMP ( RFC 792 ) .


Embox can be executed on several processor architectures. There are a simulator for each of them. And you can debug you code without hardware platform. The chief simulator is QEMU. Details for simulation on different processor architecture below [ 17 ] :

Simulation on x86 platform simulators

Simulation on a SPARC v8 Leon3 processor

Simulation on an Arm

Supported platforms

Embox supports several types of processor architecture this page contains illustrations of existent hardware platforms ( boards ) which Embox is supported.


Embox supports Leon3 processor. Is is unfastened beginning processor which compatible with SPARC v8 architecture. We run Embox on the Virtex-5 LXT FPGA ML505 Evaluation Platform.


Embox supports Microblaze processor. This processor is supported by Xilinx. We run Embox on the HW-SPAR3AN-SK-UNI-G Starter Kit.


This development board contains at91sam7 accountant and simple peripheral. It is really inexpensive and easy to development start. Embox supports Lego Mindstorms NXT.

This development board contains Cortex-M3 and integrated debugger.


Embox supports Personal computer platform the same, and it can be executed on QEMU [ 18 ] .


Embox is join forcesing with “ theoretical cybernetics ” section in the research of robotics system. Embox powerful characteristics made it a robotics OS, as a consequence Robots scheduling platform is created. It consists of the RTOS “ Embox ” and Graphical IDE “ QReal ” , both are the undertakings of Software Engineering section.


Embox Operating System is configurable OS, its powerful characteristic include modular meats, which is besides an exokernel. Which means that this OS can interact with the hardware straight avoiding most of the abstraction of meat. Different simulators can be used to develop new hardware. The public presentation of simulators on this OS is reasonably better than others because of its exokernel type of meat. It allows nimble constellation for a specific undertaking. So appropriate schemes on different meats services like memory allotment, IPC and scheduling etc can be applied. In future Embox can play an of import function in following coevals of RTOS.

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