Medical Personal Statement Examples Personal Development Essay

From an early age I have been fascinated by the workings of life. The human body is a remarkable machine with many diverse systems producing an organism that could never be artificially reproduced. My love of science is just one of my reasons for choosing medicine. I enjoy a challenge particularly towards a rewarding objective and although medicine is a tough career it can be enormously gratifying, highlighted by the doctors I have spoken to during my experience and on a personal level.

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To further my insight into the medical field I participated in a work shadowing week at a GP surgery. I gained a valuable understanding of the workings of the surgery, with opportunities to observe and speak to the doctors regarding a medical career. I arranged another placement week myself at a local hospital, which was a superb opportunity to observe medicine from another point of view. I observed the ward rounds, an MRI scan, a skin biopsy and an endosocpy clinic all which I found interesting. I spent the most time with the haematology team, responsible for patients with diseases such as Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML), haematology being one of my interests it was captivating that I could see the specialty from a more complex side than the AS biology course. For example I was able to understand how the level of platelets affects blood clotting. Throughout the week I expanded my confidence and communication skills through speaking to patients and doctors. Although I enjoyed the week it was at times extremely heart-rending, I was able to get close to many of the terminally ill patients helping and caring for them where I could, getting them tea or just talking and empathising with them to build their spirits. I volunteered at a local home for the elderly which was very rewarding as I built my caring skills, helping residents by making them tea or playing cards with them. At school I took part in a paired reading scheme for 6 months where I was able to help young children to read, speaking and listening to them to help their English. All my experience has made me more determined to accomplish my ambition to be a doctor.
My love of science and aspiration for a medical career is reflected in my A-Level choices where good time management, self motivated study skills and ability to cope with stress and pressure are essential. Biology and chemistry have helped me further my interest and develop my analytical skills, maths helps my problem solving skills helping me to work logically and ICT gives me a valuable insight into the rapidly developing technological world where computers are crucial. I believe all the qualities I have developed through my courses are essential for any good doctor. I have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme which enabled me to achieve a first aid certificate including cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. I also enhanced my inter-personal, communication and team building abilities, valuable skills for any medical occupation, as I witnessed during my experience. For 2 years I have volunteered at a local vet hospital observing and helping out 2 hours per week communicating with the public in a different environment. I enjoy reading, mainly factual books to expand my general knowledge. To relax, I enjoy sports including football, and cricket for which I was captain of the school team and my local team for the past 3 years improving my leadership skills. I also recently rekindled my childhood passion for golf, another pastime I enjoy even if it is a little expensive!
I am a self motivated, determined individual and I look forward to the social and academic challenges of university. I am aware of the demands of a medical career but my commitment and desire to become a doctor has only been strengthened through my experience and work in a voluntary capacity.
To be given the opportunity to read medicine, will not only fulfil my ambitions, but also allow me to be a credit to the medical institution. I am a dedicated learner and I have the ability to listen diligently to people. I believe there is a severe lack of black female doctors and I will endeavour to be part of the improvement of this situation and be an asset to my community.
From a young age I have been genuinely fascinated by the intriguing world of Science. This passion has fuelled my love for medicine, particularly as I have always been amazed by the complex and intricate workings of the human body. The fact that medicine is an extremely challenging, demanding and rewarding profession leaves me with no doubt about wanting to become a doctor. My A-level studies have reinforced my decision to pursue this career path and allowed me to develop essential skills for this degree. Chemistry has enhanced my analytical and problem solving skills. My accuracy, attention to detail and natural ability to solve problems has been developed through studying Physics and Maths. Reliable observational skills and experimental technique has been developed through during practical work in Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Exiting visits to the Body worlds exhibition and conferences organised by med-link confirmed my desire to pursue a medical degree
My motivation to study medicine comes from the desire to combine my interests in the ever-expanding fields of medical science with my need to understand life from other human perspectives. This drive was reinforced by my visit to Christie Hospital where I saw how advances in medical diagnostics and treatment directly impact upon the lives of cancer patients. By becoming a doctor I hope to be able to work at the crux of science and society by pursuing a deeper understanding of complex biological systems, whilst at the same time using my knowledge to make a difference to the individual.
After reflecting upon all my experiences so far I believe that as a doctor I will possess the tenacity, humanity and dedication to excel in both academic and personal challenges.
My A-level subjects have given me a sound scientific knowledge base and have developed skills and qualities which are particularly relevant to my chosen degree. These include observational, investigative, analytical, reasoning and communication skills. My self-confidence, self-reliance, adaptability and willingness to assume responsibility have been enhanced not just through my studies but through extra-curricular activities and considerable work experience.
My desire to pursue a career in medicine has only intensified as a result of my work experience and voluntary sector commitments. The chance to study medicine is my long cherished ambition. I believe I have the skills and qualities necessary to succeed in the medical profession, and I welcome the academic rigour and opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of university life.
INTELLECTUAL ABILITY I love to be challenged about my ideas and opinions. I have relished the intellectual challenge offered by Chemistry and learnt how to develop arguments and clarity of expression in History. In particular, I have enjoyed exploring the history of medicine, which has enhanced my understanding of the ancient profession I would so love to be a part of
CONCLUSION I intend to make medicine my life’s work. I think medicine is the most fundamental of professions; without doctors society would surely collapse given that one’s health is a prerequisite to doing almost anything in life. I would be privileged to spend the rest of my working life practising medicine. I am acutely aware of the difficulties and challenges I am signing up for, but am confident that I will meet them with (enthusiasm) gusto and commitment.
INTRODUCTION – reasons for studying for medicine To be given the opportunity to study medicine would be a dream come true/the fulfilment of a life-long dream. The science of medicine fascinates and inspires me; reading StudentBMJ and NewScientist compel me into learning more. A central attraction of medicine is the chance to make a difference to another person’s life, and to be able/ (in a position) to offer informed support and understanding at a vulnerable time for a patient and their family. (For many) illness is very scary and access to a compassionate and committed/attentive/helpful/caring doctor can make a significant difference to a potentially traumatic experience. I am an open-minded, approachable person and I would aspire to making vulnerable patients feel at ease; I have the social skills conducive to being an effective doctor, not a scientist
Disease can take everything from us; potentially undermining our capacity to meet challenges, seek happiness or improve ourselves. Valuing all of these things within myself, one of the most frustrating things I have had to witness is people being unable to do the same. We cannot give people happiness, but effective healthcare can give people the chance to seek their own.
Of course, healthcare has many facets; but a longing to ask ‘why?’, and also to question the answer, has helped lead me toward medicine. Whilst at college, exploring the human body, more intricate than any man-made machine, has helped me feed this fascination. Case studies like cystic fibrosis made it especially relevant. In addition, books such as ‘The Chemistry of Life’ and ‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife For His Hat’ have helped me extend my passion past the scope of the curriculum, engaging with ideas independently.
Furthermore, AS Perspectives on Science has developed my ability and desire to interact with the medical world. The course culminated in an extended report in which I chose to discuss the scientific and ethical implications of HIV testing; questioning issues such as the extent to which patient autonomy should be endorsed. This has been enormously satisfying, and my drive to learn about medical cause, effect and treatment has only increased. Along with my Philosophy course, this has helped to shape the way I think about the world and given me the tools, and opportunity, to engage with other people and their ideas.
I have always had a need to help people. More recently, highlighted by volunteering at St. Michael’s Hospice, I have developed my devotion to caring. Assisting in providing palliative care has been a difficult but exceptionally rewarding experience. Each time I connected with a patient, I felt I had added something to his or her day, if only for a little while. To then find the following week that they had deteriorated was hard, but pushed me to persevere. Perhaps the most poignant lesson I have learned is that, however much we wish otherwise, there is a limit to what we can do for people; there will be times when I am faced with helplessness. Complementing this, partaking in a project evaluating sexual health services has given me the chance to help spur improvement. But more importantly, analysing healthcare from a patient perspective emphasised the fundamental need for integrity, effective communication and understanding. Hence, all of my volunteer work has helped me to develop, among others, my sensitivity and interpersonal skills.
Additionally, teaching myself piano and exploring its complexities, I have had many opportunities to develop my dedication and independence. While in a youth folk band, I was chosen to participate in a music exchange. I enjoyed immersing myself in new cultures and, travelling around France and Germany, worked with musicians far more skillful than myself. Furthermore, my love of martial arts has also given me chances to push my limits. The more I practice both of these, the more I realise how much more there is to learn. Being elected as head boy in secondary school I also worked to progress other skills including teamwork as well as public speaking.
I recognise medicine is a difficult route, but it is the challenge which makes it more rewarding. Not only does it enable me to take my passion beyond college to a setting where my knowledge must constantly evolve, but, perhaps more importantly, it allows me to put this into practice in a meaningful way. I hope that in doing so I can give others the same opportunities I have had myself#
I have always been interested in all aspects of the human body. I am therefore very excited by the prospect of studying Medicine and using the knowledge I would acquire to help people. In 2006 I attended a ‘Med-Six’ conference at Nottingham University and found the few days I was there utterly engaging. The lecture on Emergency Medicine emphasised the importance of an efficient team with a decisive leader, which I found particularly stimulating. We took part in a simulated accident and emergency team exercise and each played specific roles, for example nurse, radiographer and consultant. We had to assess individual patients and make rapid decisions about how the team should deal with them. It showed me how much Medicine relies on teamwork and communication.
I was very fortunate to be able to organise a week shadowing an orthopaedic surgeon. I accompanied him on his ward rounds in the morning and was then able to watch him performing hip arthroscopies. I was also present during consultations with new patients on clinic days. I observed how he empathised with the patients when he briefed them before their operations and during patient consultations when he informed the patients of the possible outcomes of the surgery. I saw that in the operating theatre every member of the team was integral to the success of the operation and that the team needed a strong leader. I also gained an understanding of the immense concentration and skill involved in this type of surgery. At present I am working as an Administration Assistant at a hospital; through dealing with patient records I have gained an appreciation of the importance of patient confidentiality. I will soon be applying for a post as a Nursing Assistant at a London hospital to gain more patient contact.
The study of Medicine offers a great deal and I believe I have the enthusiasm, perseverance and commitment necessary to make a good doctor.
In order to explore my fascination with medicine I have undertaken varied and relevant work experience, in both a hospital and a care home. Whilst working at the Royal Blackburn Hospital, I had the opportunity to shadow current medical students, where I learn’t various procedures such as catheter and cannula insertion, in addition to playing an active role in practical demonstrations using SimMan. Shadowing junior doctors on the Gastroenterology Ward allowed me to begin to understand the structure of a hospital. I was able to appreciate the high level of teamwork required between the consultant and other healthcare professionals. This ensured the treatment given to patients was both efficient and effective. I was privileged to have the opportunity to interact on a one to one basis with patients, which enabled me to tailor my communication skills to suit the patient and their situation. My time in hospital concluded with a presentation, which I presented to the junior doctors and a consultant regarding my experience, which further enhanced my communication skills. I gained great admiration for the consultant, who was able to instill belief and reassurance within his patients, even in the most extreme circumstances. Equally, my time spent at Viewfield Care Home allowed me to converse with patients on a regular basis, whilst developing my nursing skills. Both these experiences gave me an extensive insight into the fundamental characteristics which a doctor must possess, namely being caring, competent and approachable at all times, all of which I believe are key qualities of my personality. Reflecting upon these experiences has reinforced my desire to pursue a career in medicine, for which I now have resolute determination.
I believe I possess a suitable personality to undertake the demands of being a medical student and doctor, as I thrive in challenging situations, both mental and physical, while at all times remaining competent and demonstrating both empathy and integrity.
This incident sparked my initial interest in Medicine. To further explore the world of Medicine, I began to read popular medical articles in the newspapers and became a frequent visitor to the BBC Health page. I also read medical related articles in the New Scientist. In order to experience the practical aspects of the life of a doctor, I completed work experience under an Oncologist for two weeks and also at my local GP clinic for a month. Here I was most impressed by the doctor’s ‘bedside manner’. I witnessed the calm and reassuring tone of the doctor, who often used humour as well, to put the patients at ease so as to elicit information he needed to come to a sound diagnosis. I next undertook community service at a residential home for the elderly for a few months and over time I was amazed at the tact and patience of the staff who allowed the residents to keep hold of as much of their independence as possible.
My interest in Science and Mathematics is reflected in my A-level choices. I believe that the scientific method is the most reliable way for man to augment his knowledge of the world around him. I love Mathematics, which has taught me to be logical in my thinking and precise in my actions. I am hard working and know I have the intellectual abilities to study Medicine. I realise a good doctor also needs to be able to communicate effectively; I have an open and friendly personality, finding it easy to make relationships with my peers as well as my teachers. Additionally I have the qualities of care, compassion and commitment, which I believe make me an ideal candidate to study Medicine and serve as a Doctor.
I am a keen table tennis player and play regularly at a local club as well as with my friends and family. I organise a table tennis club for the sixth form as well as an after school club where I offer coaching to beginners. This has not only been of huge enjoyment but has also helped me develop my organisational and leadership skills. I also captained the football and
hockey teams at Hebron for two years.
Essentially, I feel I have gained a realistic appreciation of the challenges, both emotional and physical, involved in pursuing a career in medicine, but believe that my experiences have given me the motivation and commitment to withstand such trials and enable me to succeed as a valuable member of the developing medical field.
For me, a career in medicine is the perfect opportunity to stimulate my mind in a fascinating field in which I am highly motivated to succeed. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to be able to combine my caring personality with the practical aspects of the subject, and so have a major impact on people’s lives. The prospect of life-long learning in a subject for which I have such an affinity excites me.
I thoroughly enjoy studying A-level Biology and Chemistry and my intellectual curiosity ensures I stay well ahead of the syllabus. For example, I was recently intrigued by an article on developments in cancer treatment, discussing how antibodies can be engineered to bind to specific antigens on the surface of cancer cells, allowing attached drugs to be delivered directly to tumours, and was inspired to do further research.

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