Effect of Politics on Economy and Healthcare

and Effects Politics Have in America
Politics have been in making positive and negative affairs and effects in America for years to come. Politics have access to something called power and politics is about who gets what, when, why, and how and makes big impacts on America. Power can mean a lot of different things, but in this situation power means getting someone to do something that the person being told or forced to do doesn’t really want to do. Politics has an effect on different subjects, such as war, economics, and healthcare. One example that politics has an effect on is economics.

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Politics and economics are two units that go hand and hand with each
other. A question that was being asked on Tejvan Pettinger’s website page is
“Why can’t politics and economics be seen in isolation?” One answer to this
question can be the fact that the economy doesn’t have to be with or agree to
what politics say or do. Economics is interested in making an impact for the
economy while politics like to make impacts with power through major sources
like the government, or the elections and political parties. Also, a reason why
politics and the economy is so strong is because the economy is a big part in
politics, although, politics and economics have different thoughts and beliefs.
Pettinger’s quotes, which is also a few answers to the question, “Why can’t
politics and economics be seen in isolation?” is being stated: “Economics is concerned with studying and
influencing the economy. Politics is the theory and practice of influencing
people through the exercise of power, e.g. governments, elections and political
parties” (Pettinger). Pettinger also states: “In theory, economics could be
non-political. An ideal economist should ignore any political bias or prejudice
to give neutral unbiased information and recommendations on how to improve the
economic performance of a country. Elected politicians could then weigh up this
economic information and decide” (Pettinger). “In practise, there is a strong
relationship between economics and politics because the performance of the
economy is one of the key political battlegrounds. Many economic issues are
inherently political because they lend themselves to different opinions” (Pettinger). The political economy is a big
part of politics in economics with the topic of sovereign debt along with
global finance and electrical cycles. Stephen B. Kaplan, written an article from
George Washington University informs on what the political economy is expecting
out of politicians on what they should and shouldn’t do. For example, in the
first sentence of his article Stephen B. Kaplan quotes by stating: “Political
economy theory expects politicians to use budget deficits to engineer and
electric-timed boom, known as the political business cycle” (Kaplan 605)
Economics is indeed, popular in America and politics do have a necessary, arguably effect on, but economics is not just a “one brand” thing. In other words, economics is not just a single object, economics can branch out into many different topics, especially dealing with politics and the American government. There is all sides of economics and types of economics but one example of economics is the supply side economics. Another question that was being asked on Pettinger’s website, which is on the supply side economics topic is “What are the benefits of supply side economics, mainly for the working class, which also means the middle class of citizens that live in America?” What is really being wanted to know by this question is the pros and cons of the supply side economics, which also means what can and also can’t help? Pettinger answered and said, “Supply side policies encompasses a range of different policies that seek to reduce tax rates and government intervention in the economy. In the US, supply side economics became synonymous with the Laffer Curve theory and the Reagan tax cuts of the 1980s. It is also referred to as ‘trickle down economics’” (Pettinger). The tax reduction means that the tax rates is going down for the middle-class citizens of America.
Although, that is not the only thing that
supply-side economics is about. Pettinger tells about supply-side economics on
his website and said, “On the other hand, economists may have a preference to
promoting greater equality in society and be more willing to encourage
government intervention to pursue that end. If you set different economists to
report on the desirability of income tax cuts for the rich, their policy
proposals are likely to reflect their political preferences. You can always
find some evidence to support the benefits of tax cuts, you can always find
some evidence to support the benefits of higher tax” (Pettinger) Pettinger is
stating that, yes, economists may prefer for spreading equality in our society
and to encourage government intervention, but if we set different economists
reporting on the awfulness of income tax for the wealthy and fortunate, their
policy proposals are more than likely going to reflect on their political
Another thing that politics have affairs and
effects on that is dealt with in America daily is not just economics, but the
healthcare that has become a big deal in America. Healthcare is a huge need
that is well necessary for our society and citizens of America. Although, not
everyone in America can afford any type of healthcare under any circumstances
due to financial issues. Godfrey Hodgson talks about in a website about America
politics and health care and states: “The health care crisis is upon us. In response
to soaring costs, a jumbled patchwork of insurance programs, and critical
problems in delivering medical care, some kind of national health insurance has
seemed in recent years to be an idea whose time has finally come in America”
(Hodgson). “For those not protected by insurance–and often for those who are
partially protected–illness means financial disaster” (Hodgson).
As a
summarization to Hodgson’s quotes about the healthcare in America, Hodgson is
trying to get across to Americans in our society that healthcare is upon us and
healthcare is well needed. Also, informing that it is necessary and reasonable
to describe that people of America can’t live without the usage of healthcare.
Along with that, citizens of America that is not covered by any insurance, or
citizens of America which those who do have any type of insurance and by all
means is somewhat covered, still will not be capable to financially afford to
be ill or sick due to the fact that the price of healthcare being a complex,
financial situation. Which then leads to a solution called the Affordable Care
Act, which is also known as Obamacare.
is known for being a problem in America since former President, Barack Obama
invented the health insurance. Obamacare was invented for citizens of America
that had lack of healthcare insurance and was well in need.  Daniel Beland talks about the affordable
healthcare which is Obamacare and states: “Although the Affordable Care Act is a highly complex piece of
legislation featuring many regulatory and intergovernmental provisions meant to
address lack of health insurance coverage affecting a variety of different
groups, Medicare and Social Security are much more focused programs offering
benefits primarily to the elderly. Both Medicare and Social Security originated
as part of larger pieces of legislation that included other key provisions”
As a summarization of Daniel Beland’s
quotes that was used to describe the Affordable Care Act which is also known as
Obamacare, is describing how Obamacare is popular and how highly known the
Affordable Care Act is and how popular this type of insurance is. Although, Medicare
and Social Security are programs that are having more attention payed to, which
is more popular than Obamacare and those two insurances are mostly beneficial
for citizens that are elderly, retired, on disability and so on.
Although, Beland talks about Obamacare,
the Medicare, and Social Security, the question about Obamacare is, “Is
Obamacare worth using?” “What is the pros and cons of Obamacare?” Obamacare is
most definitely useful to those who have lack of healthcare insurance.
Although, all people hear or talk about Obamacare is most of the time in a
negative perspective. Kimberly Arnadeo informs the pros and cons of Obamacare
and the benefits and disadvantages of this healthcare system. “Obamacare has a
lot of benefits that most people don’t know about” (Arnadeo).
“That’s because negative messages about Obamacare outnumbered positive messages
fifteen to one” (Arnadeo) This defines a very significant reason on why Donald
Trump decided to do away with Obamacare and find a better solution because of
all the negative that was being spoken about Obamacare. “Even three years after
it was approved, 54 percent of Americans opposed the Act. It led
to Donald Trump’s plan to repeal and replace it”
of the reasons why Americans would choose Obamacare is because Obamacare is
supposed to lower all healthcare cost. Which would also benefit Americans that
have a lack of healthcare insurance. “The biggest benefit of the ACA is that it
lowers overall healthcare costs”
(Arnadeo). “It does this by providing insurance for millions and
making preventive care free”
(Arnadeo). Also, another beneficial reason for Americans that decide to use
Obamacare as their healthcare insurance is that children can use their parent’s
healthcare insurance until they reach the mid-20s ages. That would give the parent’s
children plenty of time to use their parent’s healthcare insurance until it is
time for them to be financially eligible to provide their own healthcare. “Children
can stay on their parents’ health insurance plans
up to age 26. As of 2012, more than three million previously uninsured young
people were added” (Arnadeo).
two examples that are beneficial to Americans that have a lack of healthcare
insurance are two fantastic examples of why Americans that struggle to have
insurance can have Obamacare as their insurance. It would be affordable, not
just for the parents, but the children can use this insurance to buy a window
to be financially eligible to provide their own healthcare insurance when
needed. It seems as if Obamacare is nothing but well. There are reasons why
over half of the Americans in the United States decided to go against
Obamacare, or the ACA. Before the ACA was invented, families could deduct 7.5 percent
of income, which was medical expenses. Obamacare increased the percentage by
2.5 percent when it was invented, which also means that the income increased to
10 percent, and led to a downfall of the ACA. “Starting in 2013, families
could only deduct  medical expenses that
exceed 10 percent of income” (Arnadeo). “Before, they could deduct
expenses that exceeded 7.5 percent of income” (Arnadeo). Another downfall
on the ACA or Obamacare is that the ACA would tax citizens that did not use or
couldn’t have insurance.  “The ACA taxed those who didn’t purchase
insurance. Many could avoid the tax through an ever-expanding list of exemptions”
insurance and economics can possibly be two of the biggest effects politics
have on America. Then again healthcare insurance and economics are not the only
two things that politics have effects and affairs on. Another topic that
politics have affairs and effects on in America is war. War is commonly used
through politics in America. Although, North Atlantic democracies seem to have
such a difficult time accomplishing political ends through military forces. One
reason why war happens is because two different units or opponents seem to
disagree or don’t get along with their forces or powers. “Political conflict often turns into war simply
because the opponents disagree as to their relative power” (Bassford). “The
resort to naked force is the only way to determine the truth” (Bassford).
Smith informs about how the North Atlantic uses force through countries that
America has visited and have seemed to fail and then turn into a political
outcome. “Since the end of
the Cold War, the United States and its allies have used force in Iraq, Kuwait,
Afghanistan, and the former Yugoslavia, in each case enjoying a massive
material advantage over the enemy” (Smith). “Every time, however, the military
advantage has failed to produce a decisive political outcome” (Smith). War and
politics have a relationship and go hand and hand. Christopher Bassford
describes war and the relationship between politics and war. “War is a social phenomenon. Its logic is
not the logic of art, nor that of science or engineering, but rather the logic
of social transactions” (Bassford). As being informed in the beginning of the
first page, politics is all about power and as being described in Bassford’s
article. “The two different terms we have used, policy and politics, both
concern power” (Bassford).
Another example of war in politics is about war in
politics after the horrifying incident of 9/11. People in our society may not
think that politics that involve war may not have made a big change of impact,
but Tom Rockmore informs on how politics and war have changed since 9/11 and
how politics and war have become more intense. Although politics can be
comprehended in all different types of forms, not forgetting that humans in
nature are being born into what politics are currently being socialized, in
which, in other words, humans in nature learn from politics. Rockmore quotes in
the first page of his first paragraph by stating: “’Politics’ can be understood
in different ways, including the fact that human beings are born into and
determined by the social context into which they are socialized, within which
they learn to speak, whose ideas and ideals they take on, and so on” (Rockmore
74). Since 9/11, the American government, politics, and our military
infinstructure, have played an important, huge role in war and have visited
many countries including Afghanistan and Iraq. “In the U.S.,
political considerations have recently played an important role after 9/11 in
authorizing two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the GWT” (Rockmore 74).
In conclusion, politics have always been involved
or been a part of economics, war, and healthcare insurance. These three topics
have been three of the biggest issues politics deal with daily and knowing a
good chance that nothing is going to change. Most recently, politics have dealt
with healthcare insurance more than war or economics because of Barack Obama
was our former President of the United States and Obama himself invented the
“Obamacare Healthcare Plan”, or which is also known as “Affordable Care Act”
because when Obama was in office, he felt as if it was necessary to invest in a
health insurance for Americans that have a lack of insurance to receive a
chance to provide health insurance for themselves so Americans can live without
knowing that Americans in society will never have to worry about finding health
All three of these topics should have given great examples on why American citizens in society should pay attention to politics more and how politics have an effect for America whether it is on a positive or negative standpoint. Added to that, Americans in society that have complaints about the politics and economics that economics does not have to agree or play the same role as politics or in a political form and that economics is meant to influence the economy and politics is meant to influence through power using the government, elections, and political parties as their tool.
Pettinger, Tejvan. “The relationship between economics and politics.” Economics Help. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2017. <http://www.economicshelp.org/blog/11298/concepts/the-relationship-between-economics-and-politics/>.“The Politics of ObamaCare, Social Security, and Medicare.” The Politics of ObamaCare, Social Security, and Medicare | Scholars Strategy Network. N.p., 01 Mar. 2017. Web. 06 Apr. 2017. <http://www.scholarsstrategynetwork.org/brief/politics-obamacare-social-security-and-medicare>.Amadeo, Kimberly. “Is Obamacare Worth It?” The Balance. Arnadeo, Kimberly, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017. <https://www.thebalance.com/obamacare-pros-and-cons-3306059>.“On War and Politics.” The American Prospect. Smith, Kupert, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017. <http://prospect.org/article/war-and-politics>.Pettinger, Tejvan. “Supply Side Economics – Pros and Cons.” Economics Help. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2017. <http://www.economicshelp.org/blog/3176/economics/supply-side-economics-pros-and-cons/>.Christopher Bassford: Policy, Politics, War, and Military Strategy.” Christopher Bassford: Policy, Politics, War, and Military Strategy. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017. <http://www.clausewitz.com/readings/Bassford/StrategyDraft/>.Kaplan, Stephen B.; Thomsson, Kaj. Journal of Politics. Apr2017, Vol. 79 Issue 2, p605-623. 19p. 3 Charts, 2 Graphs. DOI: 10.1086/688441.Rockmore, Tom. Theoria: A Journal of Social & Political Theory. Aug2006, Issue 110, p74-96. 23p

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