Employee Relations Strategy Free Essay Example

The objective of the employee relations strategy is to enhance the policies, systems and procedures which increase the degree for which the management and employees will be cooperating with the mutual benefit and decrease the causes and effects of unnecessary clashes or restrictive practices. This employee relations strategy is related with the increase of the mutuality, improving relationships and establishing and maintaining the rules and procedures, that governs the management and conversation of issues that are affecting the company and its employees.

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For the union identification and for any collective bargaining arrangements the strategies are included. It also includes the strategies for co operations and for involving employees in the affairs of the company along with communicating with them the information about the company’s performance and future plans.

Strategy implementation

The features that are involved in the strategy implementation are:

  1. Converting the strategy into the specific human resource objectives;
  2. Recognizing the success factors and their contributing performance indicators to monitor the success of the aims and policies in gathering the human resource strategy, and in fulfilling the business strategy.

Analytical brain power exercise in involved in the first aspect, thinking about the suggestions of the planning and what existing policies should be removed. For implementing the changes it involves the progressing an action plan importantly. The review of the previous change management activities is the only information requirements of this strategy to learn the lessons (good or bad) from them.

The second feature of recognizing the success factors and setting up the systems for monitoring them is equally an important one but is in danger as being ignored by the human resource function.

The effects of the human resource policies are monitored by the organizations generally in terms of gathering the aims they are meant to gain. Monitoring, feedback and changes to some extent are considered as the regular modifications that are made to the employee’s performance management or the yearly changes to salary structures and advantage packages.

The former changes are generally reacting with the another set of analysis from the users or victims of the employee performance management system are thought by us where as the last one is having a reaction with the external market forces plus what ever is fashionable in gift structures in that year. To judge the affect of the human resource policies in terms of what they actually mean to do, and make modifications accordingly is rare for the human resource practitioners. They will be more reactive at the best – the labor turnover rates are too high; therefore high salaries are to be paid for them and providing the more training for them.

The commonly found situation of different human resource policies giving the conflicting messages are lead by the piecemeal, reactive approach to the staff and working against each other in promoting the business strategy. The progress of the human resource strategy must be combined by the effective marketing and starting plan and it is to be followed by the systematic calculation. For gaining the assurance to the change a strategy should cover the following phases:

  • Preparation – in this phase the person or the persons likely to be involved by the proposed change are recognized and made aware of the fact that a change is being considered.
  • Acceptance – in the second phase the information regarding the purpose of the change is provided, how the change is implemented with the proposal and what effects it will have on the things that are concerned. The aim is to understand the meaning of the change and to get the positive result.
  • Commitment – in the last phase, the change is started and it becomes operational. There will certainly be delays, setbacks, unforeseen problems and negative reactions from those ones who are faced with the reality of change.

The valid analysis is acted upon as the response to these reactions is essential. The explanations are given for why the change should proceed in a planned way. After the modifications, the change is institutionalized and becomes a part of the enterprise’s culture and operations

Marketing human resource strategy

The human resource professionals are facing the major challenge of how to market their activities to gain the credibility and gain the respect from those that are sitting at the management table (operational management colleagues) and the general staff.

The human resource management responsibilities or the human resource professionals are not understood by many of the line managers. Therefore the responsibility is on the human resource professionals to develop the marketing plan that will help them to communicate their roe and functions along with the line managers to accept their share of human resource responsibilities. Marketing plan has the following aims:  To build up the credibility and gain acceptance.  To build and maintain the partnering relationship with the operational management.

Adding values to the operational efforts in pursuit of the enterprise’s objectives. The suggestions are designed to help this process:  Preparing the human resource strategic plans by consulting with the line managers, outlining the main objectives, specific measurable action plans and completing the dates and giving each copy to the line manager.  Giving the views to the managers on the outcomes of the each main objective in the company’s newsletter or whatever other medium available.  Preparing the profile of the human resource professionals and detail areas of responsibilities and publishing it in the brochure.

Making it clear that the human resource management activities are shared between the human resource professionals and the line managers – see list of the shared responsibilities – table 2 & 3.  The brochure should also outline the partnering responsibilities of the human resource professionals and those of line managers.  Stressing the point that the human resource professionals are there to give the support and assistance in managing the staff for the effective results. (see figure 3 – role of human resource).

Methodology introduction

The research methodology is entirely based on the comprehensive analysis. The authentic methodology which is been considered from the qualitative and the quantitative research methods and the particular aspects of these methods are been discussed in detail. The research based approach is been taken into consideration which is been gathered from the primary source data and the secondary source data.

In order to collect the primary source information and the secondary source information different methods are been used and the information which is been collected from these sources is been used to develop the exploration of the research and to obtain the required results from the literature.

Research methodology chosen

The methodology is the system that contains wide range of principles or rules in which the particular methods and procedures are been considered in order to solve the problems that arise within the specific aspect.

Similar to the algorithm the methodology is a set of practices. There are two types of research methods which are been used in order to solve the problems happened within the research process such as quantitative research method and the qualitative research method. The types of the research methodologies are been taken into consideration depending on the different types of factors happened within the research process. The correct and important data is been gathered and the entire research analysis process is been discussed in detail.

Qualitative research methodology.

Within the process of the qualitative research methodology the entire factors which are related to the human activities are taken into consideration. The problems which are been specified by the human activities are been considered within the qualitative research method. This qualitative research method is been used within the educational regulations, the social studies and for the basic problems that take place in the market place. The decision making process will involve different types of critical steps like the way of reaction against the problems happened within the research process.

The small volume of contents should be considered than the large volume of contents within the process of data collection from the individuals or participants who are involves the research process. In order to complete the research successfully with an appropriate emotional observations the typical non numerical data without the significant aspects such as the graphs, charts and the statistical methods are been considered.

Quantitative research methodology

In general the quantitative research methodology includes the models that are based on the mathematical and theory based approaches.

This research method will even involve the statistical analysis and the experimental examination of the specific aspects as well as the internal relationship between the particular quantitative aspects. The important aspects within the quantitative research method are the measurements and the evaluations through which the actual results are been obtained. This quantitative research method is been used in order to answer the questions such as the what, why and where. This research methodology will involve the concepts of the social sciences like the political science, economics, anthropology and psychology.

By making use of these research methodology the questions such as what, why and where are been answered and in this quantitative research methodology as the major research methodology will include the major social sciences such as political science, economics, anthropology as well as the psychology. In this research method the particular case studies and articles are been considered which are used as the major information sources. By using these resources the general conclusions as well as the hypothesis is been resulted.

By making use of the hypothesis list in the quantitative research method the problems can be rectifies within the research process. The numerical measurements like graphs, charts and the statistical analysis is been utilized in this quantitative research method. By using this method the data which is gathered can be analyzed in the form of the experimental examination and the comparable results are been calculated through the empirical analysis. The best example for this is that survey conducted might result in the finishing the entire process of the research rather than that of the methodology which is been used in a specific levels.

Research design: Case study approach

The research design is the process of identifying the basic research questions and then changing them into the testing process. There are various types of the research designs but they are implemented and used according to the research problem. In general there are two types of research designs like the fixed research design and the flexible research design. Initially the fixed research design method is been situated before fixing the appropriate data.

This fixed research design is entirely a theory based method, so it not possible to calculate the mathematical variables and the factors which are been resulted in the future aspect. The collected data is fixed and then the authentic methods utilized in the data collection process is been implemented in this specific research design. There are wide varieties of choices that available in the research process. This research process is entirely different from the actual research process and even it is different from the flexible research design.

Within the flexible research process the variables which are identified will be varied from the actual statement, so there is a need of flexibility in process of selection of the research variable. The investigational results are totally based on the approach that is implemented against the flexible research design. In general the research design is been divided into two different types such as the experimental type and the non-experimental types. The experimental research design one of the appropriate process for the projects related to the statistical analysis.

For the experimental research design the research sample size is more and the sample size is less for the non-experimental research design. The general observations and the individual activities are been utilized in order to get the results. The experimental research design is one of the best and suitable method for the quantitative research methodology. And for the purpose of the qualitative research methodology the non-experimental research method is the suitable one. The case study can be considered as the example for the non experimental research design.

In this the process the data should be gathered through the single source and the required conclusions are been finished by the common observations, the views and ideas of the particular individual is involved in the case study.

Case study chosen

The case study approach is the simple and best method which is been used in order to collect the information or else the data required against the qualitative research methodology. The required solution for the research questions and the research problem can be identified by this case study approach.

The individuals or else the participants who are taking part in the research process are been examined in order to get the answers required to fulfill the research work. The actual aim of the research is been explained to the individuals and there views and ideas on the particular topic are considered and analyzed to get the required idea on the research. By using these case studies there are various benefits and the most important benefit is that the data which is gathered from these source is the direct data and the information which is been collected is more truthful and reliable.

When compared with the other data sources this is the most useful source. In order to solve the research problem the information is been gathered from the case study. To conduct the research work on a specific topic the person who acts as the researcher must be able to have the minimum knowledge upon the case studies of that particular topic and case studies which are selected for the research should provide the entire required information and even should be able to solve the problems in the research process.

By having all these capabilities then this case study approach can be referred to as the best source in order to collect fulfill the primary information which belongs to the qualitative research method. In general the case studies are differentiated in to many types like the individual case study or the organization case study. The case study is been selected based on the problem within the research process.

Data collection methods.

The data collection method is one of the important aspect within the entire research methodology process and it plays a major role in estimating the main search related to the research and it will verify the collected data and the comparable analysis through the actual search against the literature. In general there are two types of data collection methods like the primary source of data and the secondary source of data. 4. 8 Primary source of data The primary source of data is one of the important data collection method and it is been established across to the research methodology.

The primary data is collected from the actual source of the problem so it is referred as one of the best data collection method when compared with the other data collection methods as well as the other data sources. In the previous discussion it is been mentioned that the primary source of the information is the actual case study approach. In general the primary source of the information is been gathered conducting the interviews, the general discussions, group meeting and the semi structured interview.

In the research process the semi structured interviews are used and the required questionnaires are been prearranged and then they are transferred to the individuals who are taking part in the research process in order to make them to understand the actual research problem and to get the required information. The information which is been gathered from the individuals in the form of their views and ideas are been considered as the primary data source and these information is been analyzed in order to complete the entire research process and to get the expected outcome.

The answers and the ideas which are been proposed by the individuals and the participants is more and more efficient, trustworthy and faultless, as a result this data collection method is referred to as the perfect and useful source of data.

Secondary source of Information

In order to continue the research process the secondary source of the information is required and to compare the actual search and views which is obtained from the primary source of information with the secondary source of information.

In general the secondary source of the data is been gathered by making use of the article, journals, book reviews and the websites. The data and the information gathered from secondary source are compared with the actual sources by means of considering the views and ideas of the individuals involved within the research process from the primary source of information then these entire information is been analyzed to get the expected outcome. Chapter 5 Conclusion, future work and limitations


This study will provide the detailed information on the human resource management along within the detailed overview.

This study will even provide the information on the role of the human resource management within the success of the organization. According to this study the human resource management is the significant aspect which will include each and every aspect of the organization. The human resource manager will play the major role in the success of the organization by which the organization will get more and more benefits. Several number of the human resource strategies are included within this research which will give more strength to the organization in achieving its goals and objectives.

The Human resource strategies are designed and implemented by the human resource manager and will manage the entire aspects in related to the strategies and will train their team members to easily understand the actual goals of the organization, he will try to explain the actual standard of the particular organization with their competitors and the current marketing trends, and will explain them the human resource strategies which are to be followed to be successful in the market.

It is not sure that the human resource manager will directly lead to the success of the organization, but if the HR manager is capable of managing each and every aspect in the organization and manage the employees to achieve the goals of the organization then that particular organization will be successful and will be able to achieve the goals and get more number of the profits.


The present investigation is limited because the information which is provided me is very essential but I cannot say that only my research is enough to manage the organization so the tools to maintain any programs are very probable than delivered by all the companies which will be busy in the investigation of present research. According to this base, the individual progress and satisfaction of job would be easily observed and difficult to prove the problems of the presence workplace.

That’s why, already mentioned before- generally concentrating on the analysis of Human resource strategies and these results the practices of the organization current commercial market. The presence of particular variations in the particular problem will be solved by using statistical or case examined specially in the authorized region. 5. 3 Future Work This study proved that the human resource management is one of the major aspect for the organization to be successful within the marketplace. The different types of the human resource strategies are involved within the human resource management.

In most of the organizations the human resource manager is the key person for the organization who will design and manage the human resource strategies. So the human resource manager should be more efficient and must be able to manage each and every aspect related to the organization. Even though the human resource strategies are designed well, and if the manager is not having the standard capability to manage the organization then it leads to the failures, so organization should recruit the efficient human resource managers so that particular organization will be capable of reaching the goals and can even get more profits.


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