Enterprise Application Development And J2ee Computer Science Essay Free Essay Example

The Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition ( J2EE ) provides a criterion for developing multitier, endeavor services.

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The economic system and engineering of today have intensified the demand for faster, more efficient, and larger-scale information direction solutions. The J2EE specification satisfies these challenges by supplying a programming theoretical account that improves development productiveness, standardizes the platform for hosting endeavor applications, and ensures portability of developed applications with an extended trial suite.

[ 1 ] J2EE architecture supports component-based development of multi-tier endeavor applications. A J2EE application system typically includes the undermentioned grades:

Client grade: In the client grade, Web constituents, such as Servlets and JavaServer Pages ( JSPs ) , or standalone Java applications provide a dynamic interface to the in-between grade.

Middle grade: In the waiter grade, or in-between grade, endeavor beans and Web Services encapsulate reusable, distributable concern logic for the application. These server-tier constituents are contained on a J2EE Application Server, which provides the platform for these constituents to execute actions and shop informations.

Enterprise informations grade: In the informations grade, the endeavor ‘s information is stored and persisted, typically in a relational database.

J2EE applications are comprised of constituents, containers, and services. Components are application-level constituents. Web constituents, such as Servlets and JSPs, provide dynamic responses to petitions from a Web page. EJB constituents contain server-side concern logic for endeavor applications. Web and EJB constituent containers host services that support Web and EJB faculties.

Figure 1: Overview of the J2EE Architecture


Net Model:

Figure 2: Overview of the.Net Model

.Net Framework is the Microsoft ‘s solutions for the endeavor ready architecture.

.Net is every bit celebrated every bit J2EE as a Enterprise Application Development Framework, and it is capable every bit good, Following Section will briefly depict the.Net Framework ;

[ 2. ] The foundation of the.NET Framework is the common linguistic communication runtime. Its chief intent is to lade, put to death, and manage codification that has been compiled to Microsoft ‘s new intermediate byte-code format called Intermediate Language ( IL ) . Several linguistic communications, notably Microsoft ‘s Visual Basic.NET and C # .NET ( pronounced “ C crisp ” ) , have compilers back uping this format, and many more are presently in development. It is of import to observe that the IL codification is non interpreted. The common linguistic communication runtime uses just-in-time compilers to roll up the IL codification to native binary codification before executing.

Other important characteristics of the common linguistic communication runtime include the followers:

a- Version control

a- Memory direction

a- Cross-language integrating

a- Common information type system

The following constituent or bed of the.NET Framework is the.NET Framework base categories. The intent of this bed is to supply the services and object theoretical accounts for informations entree and use, informations watercourses ( input/output [ I/O ] ) , security, thread direction, and more. In many respects the Windows API ( Application Programming Interface ) has been abstracted into these base categories. These libraries are an object-oriented aggregation of categories that can be reused and enhanced to enable rapid application development. The categories support the creative activity of applications that range from ASP.NET Web pages and

Web Services to traditional Windows and command line applications. The.NET Framework besides provides several runtime hosts, which are unmanaged constituents that load the common linguistic communication runtime into their procedures and originate the executing of managed codification, making a package environment that can work both managed and unmanaged characteristics. The.NET Framework package developer ‘s kit ( SDK ) non merely provides several runtime hosts but besides supports the development of third-party runtime hosts.For illustration, ASP.NET hosts the runtime to supply a scalable, server-side environment for managed codification. ASP.NET works straight with the runtime to enable.aspx pages and Web services, both of which are discussed subsequently in this subdivision. The concluding bed of the.NET Framework consists of the user and plan Interfaces. The two constituents of this bed are ASP.NET Application Services and Windows Application Services. The basis of the ASP.NET Application Services is, of class, ASP.NET, which in bend supports the new Web services and Web Forms engineerings that are discussed subsequently. The Windows Application Services constituent supports traditional Windows scheduling applications through Windows Forms.

The undermentioned subdivisions describe the chief constituents of the.NET Framework

in more item.

Features of the Common Language Runtime

The common linguistic communication runtime provides an executing environment that manages

the set of codification targeted to the.NET Framework. Code direction can include memory direction, thread direction, security direction, codification confirmation, and digest of the codification. All managed constituents must foremost be assigned a degree of trust. The degree or grade of trust can change on the footing of the undermentioned beginnings:

a- Local computing machine

a- Internet connexion

a- Enterprise local country web ( LAN ) connexion

After the constituent is assigned an appropriate degree of trust, the managed constituent either can or can non execute maps from within the application. In fact, based on the trust degrees, a managed constituent may move otherwise within the same active application. The grade of trust can be used to restrict register entree, file entree, or web functionality. The common linguistic communication runtime enforces security in a manner that enables a client to run executables without jeopardizing or put on the lining inappropriate entree to sensitive local resources or devices. For illustration, a user could double-click an feasible in

an electronic mail, and although it may play a picture or audio watercourse, entree to personal informations on the computing machine is non at hazard. This enables an Internet application to be every bit feature-rich as normal desktop applications. The common linguistic communication runtime besides uses a common type system ( CTS ) to implement codification hardiness and linguistic communication interoperability. Assorted Microsoft and other third-party compilers can bring forth managed codification that complies with the CTS. The intent of the CTS is to implement a rigorous information type and codification confirmation

criterion. Through the CTS, managed codification can include managed categories, types, and other objects while implementing type safety and conformance to the substructure. Another primary end of the common linguistic communication runtime is increased programmer efficiency. With all the.NET Framework languages following with the common linguistic communication runtime, the coder can take a linguistic communication of penchant. Each linguistic communication can take full advantage of the common linguistic communication runtime, the category library, and the constituents. This will do future programming available in whichever linguistic communication is best suited to the developer

and application demands while keeping a high degree of linguistic communication

Interoperability and independency. The constitutional automatic memory direction besides enhances application and substructure stableness. This new feature-the refuse collector-eliminates

some of the most common application mistakes affecting memory leaks and invalid memory mentions. It manages all mentions to objects and releases them when they are no longer in usage. In a nutshell, the automatic memory direction helps the application clean up after itself. The common linguistic communication runtime besides should increase application public presentation. This may be accomplished in two ways: just-in-time ( JIT ) compliers and server-side applications. The JIT compilers are used to roll up all managed codification to native machine binary codification at executing. Server-side applications can house application logic and concern regulations on.NET Enterprise Servers such as Internet Information Server ( IIS ) and SQL Server. This allows the consolidation of application logic and concern regulations in a more maintainable environment and permits executing closer to dependent resources. For many applications this will ensue in non merely decreased care demands but increased reactivity.

.NET Framework Class Library

The.NET Framework category library is a aggregation of reclaimable categories, or types, that tightly integrate with the common linguistic communication runtime. .NET applications benefit from utilizing and widening or inheriting the functionality from the categories and types available in the category library. The category library is really hierarchal and good organized, as shown in Figure 1.2. It starts with the most generic categories and continues to construct down to categories with really specific and precise functionality. Although this library is extended, its organisation makes it easy to larn and utilize. In an age of ever-growing engineering it is reviewing to see a new engineering and a new architecture that promise a decreased

larning curve. This theoretical account besides makes it easy for third-party constituents to be integrated easy with the bing category library.

As expected in an object-oriented category library, the.NET Framework classes enable developers to carry through quickly a broad scope of common scheduling undertakings, including things such as twine direction, file entree, and database connectivity. Besides, several categories facilitate extremely specialized and usage development environments. These categories make the application development environment really flexible. The undermentioned types of applications are readily supported through the.NET Model:

a- ASP.NET applications

a- Console applications

a- Scripted applications

a- Windows applications ( Windows Forms )

a- Web services

For illustration, the Windows Forms categories are used to make Windows graphical user interface ( GUI ) applications, which frequently are referred to as standalone applications. This is facilitated through a series of reclaimable graphical interface categories. Alternatively, in developing a Web-based application, the HTML and Web Forms classes ease its rapid development. Either manner the implicit in model provides the flexibleness for feature-rich applications irrespective of the pick of application environment.

Client Application Development

Client applications represent the most common application environment in usage today. These are the applications that one would raise by opening some type of signifier and originating an action. Examples of client applications range from word processing applications to a customized accounting bundle. One typically begins the application by opening a signifier from a desktop icon or the Windows Start bill of fare. Client applications typically use the criterion Windows characteristics, such as duologue boxes, menu points, and buttons. In most instances the files and executables for the application are stored and run locally and are interacted with by utilizing local peripherals. The traditional Windows scheduling environment has been replaced in.NET by the Windows Forms control. The managed Windows Forms control allows the application to be deployed over the Internet, and the user can see the application as a Web page. In the past developers created such applications by utilizing C or C++ in concurrence with the Microsoft Foundation Classes ( MFC ) or with a rapid application development ( RAD ) environment such as Microsoft Visual Basic. The.NET Framework incorporates facets of the earlier merchandises into a individual, consistent development environment. The end of the individual environment is to simplify the development of client applications.

This simpleness can be farther enhanced by integrating the security and deployment characteristics of the common linguistic communication runtime. Because feature-rich applications can be deployed from the Web, many applications that one time were installed on a user ‘s system can now be Web-based. The application can specify code-access security bounds, which restrict what the application can make on an person ‘s machine. This gives the developer security characteristics even though the application is running in the machine linguistic communication. In fact, a individual application can integrate objects from multiple Web waiters. Each object and

Web waiter may hold security rights different from those of another waiter. All security rights are evaluated even though the objects are used within a individual application. Windows Forms applications still have some advantages over Web-based applications. Windows Forms applications have a degree of trust that is already assumed. This allows binary and natively put to deathing codification to interact with some of the resources on the local machine. This is used to execute the necessary GUI elements of the application.

Server Application Development

Web services are server-side application constituents that can be distributed easy in a similar manner to Web sites. Web services constituents are non targeted for a specific browser and have no user interface. They are merely reclaimable package constituents designed to be used by other applications. Web-based applications, traditional applications, and even other Web services can utilize the Web services. The Web services are traveling application development toward the Internet. All application development can now take advantage of the extremely distributed universe that antecedently was available merely with Web-based applications. ASP.NET is the environment that enables developers to utilize the.NET Framework to aim Web services applications. Both Web Forms and Web services use IIS as the publication mechanism for applications, and both have a aggregation of back uping categories in the.NET Framework. If you are familiar with earlier versions of ASP engineering, you will bask the new characteristics of Web Forms. The most noticeable new characteristic is the ability to develop one ‘s Web Forms in any linguistic communication that supports the.NET Framework. You can utilize Ocular Basic.NET to make your Web Forms if that is the linguistic communication you prefer. You are non required to larn multiple linguistic communications to make different types of applications. Web Forms besides can put to death in the native machine linguistic communication and take advantage of the common linguistic communication runtime in the same mode as all other managed applications. This allows the Web Forms to be compiled and executed at a much faster rate. Users will detect that the ASP.NET pages are faster, more functional, and easier to make.

Spring Model:

Figure 3: Spring Model

Spring is an unfastened beginning, lightweight, application model that is intended to assist construction full applications in a consistent mode, drawing together best of strain single-tier models in a consistent architecture.

Following subdivision will depict each of the constituents listed above briefly:

Core Package

a-? Core bundle is the most cardinal portion of the model and provides the

Dependency Injection container

a-? The basic construct here is the BeanFactory, which provides a sophisticated

Execution of the mill form which removes the demand for programmatic

singletons and allows you to uncouple the constellation and specification of

dependences from your existent plan logic

DAO Package

a-? The DAO bundle provides a JDBC-abstraction bed that removes the demand to make boring JDBC cryptography and parsing of database-vendor specific mistake codifications.

a-? The JDBC bundle provides a manner to make programmatic every bit good as declaratory dealing direction, non merely for categories implementing particular interfaces, but for all your POJOs ( plainold Java objects )

ORM Package

a-? The ORM bundle provides integrating beds for popular object-relational function APIs, including JPA, JDO, Hibernate, iBatis, and JPA.

a-? Using the ORM bundle you can utilize all those O/R-mappers in combination with all the other characteristics Jumping offers, such as the simple declaratory dealing direction characteristic mentioned antecedently

AOP Package

a-? Spring ‘s AOP bundle provides an AOP Alliance-compliant aspect-oriented scheduling execution leting you to specify, for illustration, method-interceptors and point cuts to cleanly decouple codification implementing functionality that should logically talking be separated.

a-? Using source-level metadata functionality you can besides integrate all sorts of behavioural information into your codification.

MVC Package

a-? Spring ‘s MVC bundle provides a Model-View-Controller ( MVC ) execution for web applications

a-? Spring ‘s MVC model is non merely any old execution ; it provides a clean separation between sphere theoretical account codification and web signifiers, and allows you to utilize all the other characteristics of the Spring Framework.


What is meant by Enterprise Application:

Enterprise can be merely defined as applications designed to work out jobs encountered by big endeavors. These Applications normally handles complex concern logic. Apart from that they normally have following properties ;





As mentioned above due to the complexness of the Business Logic been involved with Enterprise Applications, important attempt demands to be applied to develop this decently. This is where Models such as.NET, J2EE and Spring comes in to the scene. These Frame works provides services to manage repeating issues in developing this kind of big graduated table applications.

Following Section Defines what is a Model?

A model is a set of codification or libraries which provide functionality common to a whole category of applications. A web application model may supply user session direction, informations storage, and a templating system. A desktop application model may supply user interface functionality and doodads ( common GUI elements ) .Framework includes physical constituents – normally files useable during production. Java and.NET models are set of concrete constituents like jars, dlls, etc.

Framework entirely will non work ; the relevant application logic should be implemented and be deployed along with the model.

Role of Frameworks in Enterprise Application Development:

When it comes to enterprise application development models plays a major function. As Described in the above subdivision models allow the Enterprise Application Developers to concentrate more on the complex concern logic instead than worrying about repeating issues like how to manage web communicating, Database Connections, Security and Transaction direction etc. Frameworks provide these services through their well define good tried category libraries. Since these solutions are constitutional to the models it increases the dependability and the stableness of the application every bit good as it helps to cut down the sum of attempt that needs to be put in to developing these applications, which is truly of import factor in Enterprise application Development since the clip to market affairs a batch for this kind of applications for the clients in order to acquire the competitory border by utilizing these applications.

Servicess provided by models:

In Enterprise Application Development usage of models is rather high as described above, for this intent there are several models available in the industry, J2EE and Spring for Java based solutions and.Net Framework for.Net based endeavor applications development. All of the above mentioned models are now been good established in the industry and it is one of the chief grounds that we need interoperability between several systems developed utilizing different models. All of the above model ‘s common focal point is to liberate the developers from covering with common repeating jobs and let them to concentrate more on the application/business logic. In order to accomplish this all of the above models provide set of services through their category libraries.

Following Section list down these services provided by models:

Network Communication

Business Logic

Client Session Management



Developers Focus

Transaction Management

Database Management

Load Balancing


Handled by the model

Figure 4: Servicess handled by the model

In order to supply the above services different frame works provide different mechanisms. In J2EE model it provide these services through set of services like ;



JVM Mail.




In.NET these services are provided through set of services like ;






Communication and Workflow.

In Spring These model services are provided through:

Hibernate Version 2 and 3.

JDO version 1 and 2.

AOP method interceptors.

Template negligees.







Integrated Development Environment is an of import tool for developing any kind of application. This subdivision will explicate how utilizing a peculiar IDE become of import for enterprise application development procedure.

For the.Net environment the most celebrated IDE is the Ocular Studio and for the J2EE architecture the most celebrated IDEs are Eclipse and Netbeans. These IDEs provide first-class support for working the implicit in model. Following subdivision will depict how these IDEs can better the overall productiveness of developing an Enterprise Application utilizing a specific model.

Custom-making the text editor:

In Most of the IDEs the text editor where you really type in your codification can be customize to accommodate your organisation criterions and penchants. For an illustration you can put the font size, font type, indenture for a check, Bracketing styles etc. Which is necessary for Distributed development environments where cryptography is done in several locations or may be several developers in the same topographic point, in each of these scenarios your beginning codification needs to look the same. Almost all IDEs like Visual Studio, Netbeans, Eclipse support above characteristics.

Tokens, Remarks:

In ocular studio it provide the installation to utilize TODO items as manner voyaging to a location of the codification that needs the attending of the developer subsequently. By adding a TODO token developer can easy track these topographic points utilizing the undertakings list option.

Apart from utilizing TOKENS both netbeans and Ocular Studio IDEs support the usage of certification remarks that can be used inline with the codification or depict the codification and these certification remarks can be used to document the codification automatically. In Netbeans it uses JavaDoc and in Ocular Studio there are tools like Sand Castle to bring forth certification about the codification utilizing certification remarks.

Refactoring support:

In both IDEs like Netbeans and Visual Studio it provide the support to refactor the codification efficaciously, so that you can alter parametric quantity names, remove parametric quantities, and reorder parametric quantities used in methods of a category and do these alterations affective to all the locations that these methods and parametric quantities have been used in the undertaking.

Forming the Code:

In ocular Studio it provide “ # part, and # endregion ” tickets allows to form the codification sections which performs the related undertakings, so that beginning code become more manageable and it besides make the care of the beginning codification easy.

Apart from this characteristic ocular studio provide elegant cutoffs like “ Ctrl+E, D ” to arrange the beginning code decently with proper alliance.

Code Completion Features:

Both IDEs Netbeans and Visual Studio supply automatic codification completion characteristics like intellisense, codification snippings etc.

In intellisense it help the plans by proposing the methods, variables that is available in the peculiar context that he /she is typing the codification, this addition the efficiency of composing codification every bit good as the developers does n’t necessitate to retrieve everything that is available in the categories that they create or the categories available in the model itself. Besides it displays the certification related to the suggestion that it made while typing the codification.

Code Snips are set of codification blocks like the for cringle, if status which can be invoke straight by naming a cutoff cardinal alternatively of typing whole codification blocks.

For a illustration in Visual Studio if you want to raise the codification block for “ For Loop ” merely type for and press the “ check ” cardinal twice. In Netbeans type “ for ” and press “ Ctrl+Space ” this will bring forth the codification snipping for the ‘for cringle ‘ .

Code Coevals:

In both IDEs codification coevals characteristic is supported to cut down the clip taken to type in repeating codification blocks. For an illustration one time you type in the properties of a category you can bring forth the getters and compositors for those properties without typing them. In Net beans this codification coevals extends from bring forthing getters and compositors to bring forthing constellation files, full categories, mapping files from relational databases and so on. All these characteristics help cut down the clip taken to type the codification.

Synchronizing with Code Depositories:

In existent development environment pull offing the versions of the codification handled by several developers or several development squads in different geographical location is a everyday undertakings. IDEs like Net beans provide the installation to utilize a codification depository and checkin, check-out procedure, update, and add operations from within the IDE without utilizing a separate client for accessing the depository which is a rather ready to hand characteristic to hold to do the life easy for the developers.

Sing all these characteristics it is apparent that utilizing a peculiar tool like IDE is really of import in using the power of implicit in model, since if it was n’t for these IDEs working the full potency of each of these model could hold good been a feverish and a boring undertaking.

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