General Motors Program for Attendance Management


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Program for attendance management is one of the projects to maintain and have a record of the employees’ attendance and it can be implied with the help of a software to monitor attendance details. This is a system which is the easiest way to track attendance for the employee’s job activities, group work and the company productivity with respect to the absenteeism and effect on the company also including the claim costs.

Policy is a commitment for the workers so that they can make best use of paid and unpaid leaves and can work as a team with the union and the company so attain the set goals as well as with workplace healthy environment promotion not jeopardized by frequent or unnecessary absences.

Absenteeism is a major problem in organizations, and it costs $ 1 billion per year in Ontario schools only.

The main reason of absenteeism is the work-related stress, mental health which is caused by stress, disability, chronic fatigue, caregiver burden, lifestyle choices and financial concerns. Work environment such as poor management, harassment, bullying, workload also the causes of absenteeism. Health care costs $228 billion in Canada in the year 2016.benefit costs are continuously arising with 3 to 25% in 10 years. Unionized workers take more leaves from work as compared to non-unionized workers.


For the company with 500 employees or more it is a commitment to provide excellent services to its clients and its members. All the people working in the company must work as a team in order to attain this goal.

Quality of service is also affected by the attendance of employees thus they must report regularly and have to be punctual in reporting to work and returning from breaks.

If employees are absent from work due to illness or injuries and then the company is committed to inform them to make a proper use of sick leaves, also including that the employees fulfil the job requirements and decrease the unnecessary absences.

The company will provide the workers flexible starting time.

Workers will facilitate with some on site programs such as stress management, healthcare and nutrition, fitness and yoga classes, smoking cessation program.

Employee rewards, open-door policy, balance workload, health promotion programs, employee’s assistance program and promoting respect must be in the company.


The whole program is listed for the benefits of the whole procedure for the company which deals with the safeguarding the employees, employers and the keep a record of the attendances and this can be done by softwares which can be designed by own or these can be bought too. In our program the main target is of the employees which will directly impact on the absenteeism rate and the productivity increase of the company.

Other then that the program will result in long term benefits which are the claim cost reduction due to lost days, as these days people often get their Friday work offs which are because of no reason  and even they do not have any medical documentations too for these leaves then they are all paid by the company.

This will also help in promoting health of the employees and by adding the new onsite programs for health promotions this will include the increase in the employee engagement.


To promote the regularity of the workers to work

Maintain consistency of work

To support employees well being

Encouraging employees for their health being well

Providing guidelines for a consistency and fair process when flexibility is required

To minimize absences

To resolve attendance problems in a positive way

To provide management support and training on attendance system


 All the employees registered with the company are enrolled with the policy too.



The responsibilities and the commitment for the program, exists at all the levels of the organization to make its a successful program. Various stakeholders who impact the program are listed below


●       Attempt for best efforts to be physically as well as mentally fit

●       Attend work on time as per the schedule on daily basis without urgent exceptions

●       Seek medical care when required

●       Provide absence reason to the supervisors or the designated authorities

●       Provide satisfactory medical certificates when required

●       Provide a notice for planned absences

●       Complete appropriate forms and submit within the time limit to the supervisor

●       Familiarize themselves and comply with the attendance management policy and its related procedures


●       Set a good example by being positive role model for employees

●       Act responsibly in a reasonable, fair and consistent manner

●       Submit all the approved forms to employee services even the payroll services, finances to the authorities authorized for them respectively

●       Do not allow the carryover of excessive vacation balances except in rare instances

●       Seek advice from council for the leave benefits, additional pay and/or in attendance issues



●       They have to be aware and promote the program to show the support

●       Ensure that all the employees and employers are familiar with the program

●       Breaks should be administering for the people who had came to return to work and show  the concern to them more than other employees

●       Pefrom the role of supervisor too so that any incident should be reported by employers when required

Other stakeholders should eb involved when required as per the situation .


There are two different types of absences i.e. Culpable and non-culpable. These types of absences should be recorded differently and settled differently.

InnocentThese are the absences in which the employees are being off from the work due to a specific reason and documented reason is assumed to be innocent. Innocent absenteeism is non-culpable behavior.There are some examples of innocent absences-1. Sick leaves with or without pay.2. Extreme appointments during working hours at other locations.3. To deal with family problems.4. Credit use to cover the absences.Patterned absenteeismThis is presumed to be innocent unless there is a proof of conflicting since there is the possibility of a legitimate explanation for the absences. However, after investigating the situation, it can be verified that the absenteeism pattern suggests abuse. The absences may be considered culpable and actions are must. As the frequency of absences will increase the negative impacts on operation will also increase same as in other short-term absences.Examples-• On specific job days.• Nearby scheduled days off or weekends.• On specific days of week of every week, month, year.• On the days off after the job.• On the days off after work assignments.


Culpable absenteeism 

  These are the absences which are in the employee’s hands and may not have a specific reason.


●       Late wake up.

●       Excuses.

●       Absent without leave.

●       Unsubstantiated reason.

●       Non Legitimate reason.

●       Does not provide doctors certificate.

This type of absenteeism may result into the termination of employee. The process by which culpable absenteeism is being addressed, is not the part of attendance management system. The progressive discipline steps would be used by management supervisor if he suspects any attendance issue during attendance management process.

Progressive discipline must corrective. Correct actions by management supervisor involves a response in which increase of discipline for each related infraction until the behavior is corrected. Satisfactory resolution may be corrected at any stage of process and achieved, in the event, the disciplinary response process will conclude.

During the determination of discipline, the nature and frequency of the offence must be taken into consideration. In any event of a serious offence, any strict devotion to progressive discipline model is not appropriate and more serious disciplinary action up to and including termination may be warranted at first offence.




The stages of corrective progressive disciplinary response involve four steps-

●                    VERBAL WARNING

●                    WRITTEN WARNING

●                    SUSPENSION


When a worker’s absence is culpable, the management supervisor should meet with local HR, senior management, and if essential, worker family member staff in HR, to determine the suitable policy of action.


This can be done by having a day to day record of the check of employees to work. The main focus should be om recording the absences and in a consistent manner. promoting and maintain regular attendances and assisting employees overcome difficulties which reduce consistent attendance is dependent on early identification of attendance problems.

While monitoring it should also be in view point of the organisation that the vacatuion which are paid and unpaid should be kept aside so that they may not interpret wrong results. 



A restricted amount of worker absence is estimated. This is a usual part of the worker/employer connection. However, when a worker’s absences from work go over the recognized standard, an attendance question may exist that needs intervention. Any absence is hypothetically distracting for a department and Management Managers should be afraid about every case of absence; however, excessive nonattendance is a strong threat that a problem may exist. The way in which a supervisor deals with member absences will perform a significant role in efficient attendance management and the avoidance of attendance difficulties from increasing.

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In cases where an attendance worry has been detected, the Management Manager will demand to meet formally with the worker to tackle the attendance problem. Many turnout problems are committed during the early stage; in such cases, the Management Manager continues to support the employee and requires ongoing monitoring and feedback. In other situations, the worker shows no improvement and deficiencies remain to be unnecessary. A string of subsequent conferences may be necessary in these positions in order to enable a solution to the turnout dilemma.

Procedures of management supervisor dealing with non-culpable attendance issues.

●       The program should be overseen with suppleness and prudence in order to allow the Management Supervisor to agreement efficiently with the numerous types of attendance issues that may arise from. For example, after due respect, a supervisor may determine that circumstances permit that an employee not enter the Attendance Management program or if in the program, it may be prudent to duplicate one or more of the stages.

●       The test letters offered in the Adjuncts are presented as manuals to assist the Management Supervisor in letter planning and, as such, may require editing to be suitable for a position.

●       Management Managers should be concerned that unionized workers have the right-hand to union interpretation at conferences, if demanded by the member.

●       Management Managers must consider whether EWB has been or needs to be involved when trading with absences that have a lodging and/or disability managing aspect.

●       The local HR representative and Employee Relatives ambassadors should be consulted during the procedure.



CONCLUSION – Conclusions and recommendations –
It is vital to take note of that most participation issues are settled right off the bat all the while. While the steps depicted in the last piece of this area are occasionally important, in most of cases, the circumstance is settled before it is important to fire business. Through execution of positive activities recommended before in this guide, for example, directing the worker and guaranteeing that the employee knows about the assets accessible to help with their singular circumstance, the administrator will empower and bolster the representative in accomplishing and keeping up great participation.
For the software used , attendance system is a good fit for recommended businesses because it is cloud-based and requires no special software to install. The system is very flexible, letting employees’ clock in and out with time clocks, web browsers, mobile devices and telephones. Attend’s time clocks are plug-and-play ready, include lifetime guarantees and are among the cheapest we found. Besides its ability to record when employees come and go, the system also manages paid time off, tracks how long employees work on specific projects and creates office-wide schedules. Here are some specifications of attendance management software – Clocking options: Employees can clock in and out via web browsers, smartphones or telephones.- Alerts: The system can alert managers when employees arrive and leave each day by automatically sending emails when staff members clock in and out. – PTO management: The system not only tracks vacation and sick time accruals, but also allows employees to ask for time off and managers to approve or deny those requests.- Scheduling: Managers can create shifts and assign individual or multiple employees to each one.

Here is the attendance management sheet we could use for the recording and maintaining the employee record –



Specific plans of actions provided for various stages –

If there would a problem arose during the processing stage, we would implement following strategies for get rid of them –


It is vital amid this first gathering for the administrator to audit the workplace approach on absenteeism with the employee. At the point when the chief adopts an expert and positive strategy to the meeting and speaks with judgment and genuineness, the worker is urged to see the gathering as a true endeavor to determine the participation issue. It is vital that the worker be occupied with deciding the arrangement. In circumstances where it appears to be proper, the administrator can offer help by portraying administrations that may help, for example, the Employee Help Program.

Too, it ought to be noticed that the advising procedure for guiltless non-attendance isn’t a disciplinary measure, as these participation issues are viewed as guiltless, except if there is proof actually. Moreover, directors ought to know that, whenever asked for, unionized workers have the directly to association portrayal at any of the guiding gatherings. The meeting closes with a shared arrangement. This will include:

Plotting the issue and the arrangement for redressing it.

Portraying future objectives; desires and time period for development (prescribed as 3 months).

Checking representative participation amid the characterized time span.

The underlying meeting is viewed as a casual gathering to bring issues to light about the participation issue. Accordingly, no formal letter is issued except if the worker advances to directing arrange 1 after the underlying checking period. It is vital for the chief to guarantee that the representative feels future dialogs are invited and that the entryway is open if troubles emerge.


Advancement Assessment:

The worker’s truancy record is checked over the 3 months following the underlying meet. The worker’s advancement will direct the following game-plan. On the off chance that the workers participation makes strides:

A) at that point recognize the enhancement by saluting the worker Directors’ Guide to Attendance Management- at GENERAL MOTORS,

B) illuminate the worker that their participation will keep on being observed intermittently and that the underlying enhancement is empowering; GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES.

C) if the worker keeps up one year of tasteful participation, praise the representative recorded as a hard copy and return to standard participation checking utilized for all representatives (for example on an early premise) (celebratory letter, Appendix 4).

D) if the representative’s non-attendance record breaks down before they have achieved one year of attractive participation, the chief can rehash this phase of the procedure, or continue to the following stage, contingent on the conditions.




A) continue to monitor the attendance record every three months.

B) if the employee maintains one year of satisfactory attendance, congratulate the employee and remove the employee from the program (1-year sustained improvement letter, Appendix 4).

C) if the employee’s absenteeism record deteriorates before they have attained one year of satisfactory attendance, the supervisor can repeat this stage of the process, or proceed to the next stage, depending upon the circumstances.




In the event that there is no enhancement in the multi month time frame following the stage 3 meeting, the procedure incorporates two gatherings with the representative.

At the primer gathering the director/boss will:

Guarantee that unionized workers convey along an association agent to the gathering.

Instruct the representative regarding the reality of the participation concerns. A

Administrators’ Guide to Attendance GENERAL MOTORS employees.

Survey the representatives past participation record and the reasons why the worker has achieved this stage;

Request that the worker look for a restorative appraisal to decide their capacity of keeping up normal participation at work;

Furnish the worker with a letter to take to their specialist;

Stress that the restorative data must be submitted in a fixed envelope to the settlement master’s in human resources;

Advise the representative that they will be required to go to a subsequent gathering to examine the result of the medicinal appraisal;

Caution the representative that if the required restorative data isn’t given or it demonstrates that normal and reliable participation can’t be normal and there is no handicap recognized, at that point end will be considered;

Encourage the worker to convey an association agent to the subsequent gathering (if the worker is unionized);

Affirm the participation issues and desires for development recorded as a hard copy (if the worker is unionized, give a duplicate to the association).


If the employee provides medical information indicating that there is no medical condition which would prevent regular and consistent attendance from work the follow-up meeting proceeds as follows.

 At the follow-up meeting the manager/supervisor will:

Give the employee another opportunity and advise the employee that his/her attendance will be monitored over the next 3 months;

Advise the employee that he/she has reached the final stage of the counselling process and that if the attendance expectations are not met and sustained for a period of 12 months, termination will be considered;

Document the attendance concerns and expectations for sustained improvement in a letter (Follow-up to Stage 4 meeting, Appendix 4);

Provides a copy of the letter to the union, if the employee is unionized)

If the counselling provided at Stage 4 does not yield the necessary attendance results, then the manager (or designate) meets with an employee relations representative to discuss termination process and assess whether any conditions exist which would suggest re-considering termination. Discharge should be considered only when all the steps outlined previously have been met and when every possible action has been taken to accommodate the employee. The following would be some of the considerations in ruling on an innocent absenteeism dismissal case.

O Has the employee done everything possible to regain their health and return to work?

O Has the employer aided in every way possible (i.e. Counselling, support, time off.)?

O Has the employer given the employee sufficient notice that the attendance problem is jeopardizing his/her employment?

O Has the employer determined if a disability requiring accommodation exists? O Has enough time elapsed to allow for every possible chance of recovery?

O Has the employer treated the employee in a fair and equitable manner?

These guidelines including the counselling stages outlined in the previous paragraphs are designed to help employees resolve their attendance problems. However, when it is demonstrated that the employee is not likely to be able to maintain regular attendance in the future, the employee may need to be released through non-disciplinary discharge.

This decision needs to be substantiated by the following test: Supervisors’ Guide to Attendance

O The absences have been shown to be clearly excessive.

O It has been proven that the employee will be unable to attend work on a regular basis in the future.

 O All reasonable accommodations have been considered.


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