Monitoring And Automatic Vehicle Tracking Computer Science Essay Free Essay Example
This paper is for transit security and fleet direction. An embedded device is designed and fabricated into PCB. GPS in the embedded device, which is unbroken indoors vehicle, acquires the velocity and location of the vehicle. The fuel degree sensing circuit calculates the fuel degree. In order to be efficient, SMS map is included to get down and halt the communicating. When the proprietor needs the information of the vehicle, a SMS is sent to the device which so establishes the connexion to the waiter through GPRS.
The gathered information is sent through GPRS to the TCP sever. The web page and humanoid designed for this intent displays the vehicle information, location in the incorporate map, velocity, and fuel degree of the vehicle.
Keywords: GSM/GPRS, MSP430, android application, fuel degree detector
I. Introduction
1.1 Hard ware
SIM908 is a quad-band GSM/GPRS faculty which includes GPS map for satellite pilotage. Time and costs are saved because of its compact design which integrated GPRS and GPS in a individual SMT bundle.
It allows tracking our assets seamlessly at any location and anytime with signal coverage. The input supply electromotive force scope is 3.3 to 4.5 Volts. SIM908 is controlled via AT bids. The SIM908 is connected to micro-controller through UART. The incorporate TCP/IP stack makes it easy to set up TCP/IP connexion. The information transportation supports two manners crystalline manner and Non-transparent manner. In the transparent manner, the informations received are sent serially to micro-controller automatically so that the micro-controller can easy treat the received informations.
LP38501AT-ADJ is the additive electromotive force regulator. FlexiCap LDO ‘s characteristic alone compensation that allows the usage of any type of end product capacitance with no bounds on lower limit or maximal ESR. This ultra-low dropout additive regulator responds really rapidly to step alterations in burden, which makes them suited for low electromotive force microprocessor applications. The input can be in the scope of 3 Vs to 5.5 Vs. Output current is 3A. The end product can be varied from 0.65 Vs to 5 Vs. The Voltage regulator has five pins and is surface mounted constituent. The adjust pin Acts of the Apostless like feedback and helps the regulator to keep the needed end product electromotive force efficaciously. The enable pin is used to get down the electromotive force regulator.
TVS arrays are designed to protect sensitive electronics from harm or latch-up due to ESD and other voltage-induced transeunt events. SMF05C is the surface mounted IC which is really little is size and provides up to five connexions which can be used in analogue to the circuit to protect from the electrostatic discharge.
Microcontroller The F5419A is used in this undertaking because it has four UART, SPI, I2C interfaces which will be utile when more characteristics are added to the undertaking. The entire Numberss of pins are 100. It has 87 general intent input/output pins out of those 100 pins. The port 1 and port 2 has internal pull up resistances connected which can be enabled when required. It has 128KB flash memory which can be used for hive awaying the collected information every bit good as the codification.
The board is designed for the intent of proving and developing applications. The board has soldered free tablets for all 100 pins of the microcontroller. This can be connected with the board to board connection. The board has a JTAG pin which is connected to the USB coder. The MSP430 FET USB is programmer used. The USB coder is used to dump the codifications in the micro-controller and acts as a simulator.
ADS1110 is a 16 spot ADC this will give a more accurate end product in digital format and this is a preciseness, continuously self- graduating Analog-to-Digital ( A/D ) convertor with differential inputs and up to 16 spots of declaration in a little SOT23-6 bundle. The ADS1110 uses an I2C-compatible consecutive interface and operates from a individual power supply runing from 2.7V to 5.5V.
1.2 Software
In Server side, the GPS faculty starts roll uping the information and sends it to the faculty in order to track the fleet. The information collected is sent to the waiter through a GPRS connexion. A TCP/IP connexion is established between the waiter and the faculty in order to convey and have the information. The information sent to the waiter is stored in their database from which the informations can be retrieved. The information retrieved is sent to the web page which is been hosted in the web waiter. The web page is embedded with the Google maps in order to supply the user with unrecorded trailing. The informations retrieved from the database which contains the latitude and longitude place of the vehicle is shown in Google maps.
Android Application the user can see the consequences through their smart phone excessively. An android application is made to track the vehicle so that they can entree their informations at anytime and anyplace. The incorporate Google maps will look in the user ‘s phone to demo them the exact location of the vehicle. The android application is created in ECLIPSE package which allows the developer to entree the GPS informations to their phones and get down tracking their vehicle.
2.1 Basic construction
Degree centigrades: UsersARULPRASATHDesktopCONNECTIONS ( 1 ) .jpg
Figure.1 Basic construction of system
2.1.1 Consecutive Communication
The microcontroller has four UART ports. One of the UART port is selected and connected to the SIM908 modem. The UART port A0 of the micro-controller is selected. The Transmission and receiving system informations lines of the UART port of the micro-controller is connected to the Receiver and Transmission data lines of the GSM modem severally for the communicating to take topographic point. The CMOS logic degree is used by both the modem and the micro-controller. So, there is no demand for the degree shifter circuit such as MAX232. The baud rate used is 115200. The micro-controller enters low power manner when there are no interrupts. There are four low power manners in which the LPM3 is chosen.
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Figure 2 shows the Consecutive connexion between MCU and SIM908
The RTC/CTS lines are optional when the hardware flow control has to be used. The modem has RI index which goes low for 300ms when a call is received.
2.1.2 I2C
The ADS1110 communicates through an I2C ( inter-integrated circuit ) interface. I2C is a two-wire open-drain interface back uping multiple devices and Masterss on a individual coach. Devicess on the I2C coach merely drive the coach lines LOW by linking them to land ; they ne’er drive the coach lines HIGH. Alternatively, the coach wires are pulled High by pull-up resistances, so the coach wires are HIGH when no device is driving them LOW.
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Figure 3 shows the overview of fuel degree detector
When the power gets ON the plan will gets run, which is stored in microcontroller first it will direct the start bid and it will gets an acknowledgement signal dorsum it will get down I2C coach by utilizing an interrupt ADS1110 will direct the information to microcontroller, than it will gets have informations and stored in it, the stored information has to direct to the UART port so that we can able to acquire the informations and gives to GSM faculty and it send to net page
2.1.3 Fuel Level Detection
In the gage it contains three wire, power supply ( VCC ) , land ( GND ) , analog informations line ( ADL ) by linking informations line to ADS1110 can acquire the end product of digital format in ADC in ADS1110 it has a two pins one is SDA and SCL this SDA will gives the informations serially to microcontroller and time signal is controlled
merely microcontroller and this besides connected in to an microcontroller, so that MCU can able to command the device microcontroller is moving as an maestro and ADC will move merely every bit slave.
2.2 GSM algorithm
Tocopherol: Project2nd reviewgsm algo.JPG
Figure 4 shows the working of Emergency call map
When the power is ON the will acquire executive which is stored in microcontroller and connected with GSM faculty and Emergency call button When it ‘s gets on first initialise the GSM modem and enable the interrupt when the button 1 is pressed this send to SIM modem through microcontroller ( MCU ) this will dial to patrol and likewise for staying 2, 3 buttons and 4th button is use to Answer and End the call.
The microcontroller is connected serially with the GSM modem and GPS device. Universal Asynchronous Transmission is used to direct “ AT Commands ” and have back informations. When the button is pressed AT bid will direct to GSM faculty and it will dial a call for that peculiar figure, each and every bid has send through the UART merely.
1. Initialize the variables and halt ticker Canis familiaris timer
2. Send the AT bid so that GSM faculty call start, AT bid has send by utilizing character twine
3. Put the baud rate by directing this “ AT+IPR=115200 ” . To reply the call “ ATA ” , this bid usage to direct
4. To dial a call this bid has to direct “ ATD & lt ; figure & gt ; ” in this nomadic figure has to come in.
5. To stop the call this bid has to direct “ ATH ” . Enable the interrupts when the button is pressed correspondingly the call will do.
6. Interrupt 1, this interrupt will do a call to patrol by pressing a button, which is stored in microcontroller
7. Interrupt 2, this interrupt will do a call to Ambulance by pressing a button, which is stored in Microcontroller
8. Interrupt 3, this interrupt will do a call to proprietor Ambulance by pressing a button, which is stored in Microcontroller
9. Interrupt 4, this interrupt will do a call to END and ANSWER Ambulance which is stored in Microcontroller, by pressing a button.
2.3 Global positioning system:
1. Initialize the variables and halt ticker Canis familiaris timer
2. Send the AT bid so that GSM faculty call start, AT bid has send by utilizing character twine
3. Put the baud rate by directing this “ AT+IPR=115200 ” .
4. To get down GPS this bid should acquire direct “ AT+CGPSPWR=1 ”
5. After powering ON the faculty, the GPS has to be reset, so this AT bid should acquire direct “ AT+CGPSRST=1 ”
6. To look into whether the location is fixed or non. “ AT+CGPSSTATUS ” bid is used to direct to module
7. To acquire current GPS location “ CGPSINF ” this AT bid should acquire direct to module
8. There are different format in which the GPS NMEA information is received from the modem. The needed format is chosen and the bid for the peculiar format has to be sent to get the NMEA informations.
9. The acquired informations is non in the format the waiter needs. The format needed by the waiter is besides non in the list of supported formats. Hence re-arranging, the acquired information is to be done and the cheque amount has to be added before the information is sent to the waiter.
10. By ciphering the figure of commas, the informations can be stored in the different character array and can be merged together in the individual character array. This is achieved by utilizing figure of for cringles and conditional statements.
2.4GPRS Algorithms:
Degree centigrades: UsersARULPRASATHPicturesGPS ALGORITHM.jpg
Figure 5 shows the working of both GPS and GPRS
1. Get down the GPRS connexion when the start SMS is received
2. Send the AT bid so that GSM faculty call start, AT bid has send by utilizing character twine
3. Put the baud rate by directing this “ AT+IPR=115200 ” .
4. To get down GPS this bid should acquire direct “ AT+CGPSPWR=1 ”
5. After powering ON the faculty, the GPS has to be reset, so this AT bid should acquire direct “ AT+CGPSRST=1 ”
6. Check the position of GPS for that sends the bid “ AT+CGPSSTATUS ”
7. To acquire current GPS location “ CGPSINF=0 ” this AT bid should acquire direct to module
8. To attach from GPRS waiter this bid should be direct “ CGATT ”
9. To specify PDP context this bid usage to direct “ CGATT=1, ” IP ” , ” web reference ” “
10. To get down undertaking and set APN, User name, watchword have to direct “ CSTT ”
11. To convey up wireless connexion with GPRS have to direct “ CIICR ”
12. To acquire local IP Address, has to direct “ CIFSR ” bid
13. For cognizing the current connexion position has to direct “ CIPSTATUS ” bid
14. To add an IP caput at the beginning of bundle Received has to direct “ CIPHEAD ” this bid
15. To get down TCP connexion, has to direct “ CIPSTART & lt ; mode & gt ; , & lt ; IP reference & gt ; , & lt ; port & gt ; ” this bids
16. Send the informations through the TCP connexion this bid has to be send “ CIPSTART ”
2.5 Server protocol
Get downing tracking
It will hold the clip than can acquire get down directing the bid after that peculiar clip
$ FRCMD, IMEI, _StartTracking, ,Rule1=value1, Rule2=value2, … *XX
Stop trailing
This bid gets sends than accountant will halt directing the information to the waiter
Syntax: $ FRCMD, IMEI, _StopTracking*XX
Send message
This will transport a set of information like day of the month, clip, month and staying has reference in sentence structure
Syntax: $ FRCMD, IMEI, _SendMessage, ,DDMM.mmmm, N, DDMM.mmmm, E, AA.a,, HHH.h, DDMMYY, hhmmss.dd, valid, var1=value, var2=value… *XX
2.6 Android Application
The application for the android phones is developed with the aid of occultation package and Java linguistic communication is preferred. Google maps is integrated into the application. This is done by having API key from Google and bring forthing a MD5 key from ECLIPSE. Tracking the fleet involves accessing the information which is received from the GPS faculty. Codes are written in a manner that it requests the user for allowing “ GPS maps ” before put ining the application. The informations received from the GPS faculty is sent to the waiter and the information is fetched incorporating the inside informations such as latitude and longitude. By bringing these inside informations the place of the fleet is known and it is shown in the Google map which is embedded with the application.
2.7 Web page:
The web page application is developed utilizing JAVA linguistic communication and besides the other scripting linguistic communications like HTML. The Google map is embedded into the web application to see the fleet. These maps can be integrated by bespeaking the API key. The pages are created and so all the web pages are linked to a individual web application. The web application is integrated in a waiter to host online.
2.8 Fuel degree algorithm
Tocopherol: Project2nd reviewfuel algo.JPG
Figure 6 shows the working of Fuel degree detector
1. Initialize the variables in unsigned whole number
2. Initialize i2c clock, set baud rate, enable interrupt
3. Generate an recognition and Not Acknowledgement signal
5. Start I2C coach
6. Stop I2C coach
7. Read informations from ADS1110 Data registry
8. Take the DATA from Microcontroller ( MCU ) pin and give to server.
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Figure 7 Hardware Setup
The consequence obtained matched our design ends as the vehicle was tracked with hoped truth. Fuel measures were successfully sensed and send over the air up to the needed distance.
The exigency call map is tested and have implemented in existent clip application. When the buttons are pressed the calls are dialed as per the undertaking ‘s thought and construct. The fuel degree was detected and the value is sent through the waiter and displayed in litres in the web page successfully. The GPRS connexion and the SMS map are utilized successfully to get down and halt the information use and connect to the cyberspace. The TCP connexion is established successfully with the waiter which is shown by the Ping bid sent from the micro-controller and the waiter replies back consequently. These are achieved successfully. The working can be proved by the show of place in the map. The android application shows the maps and the place information after the user has signed into the application. Therefore, the all the aims of the undertaking are met and the real-time on the job device is designed successfully.
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