Sustainable Development for Ryanair

Unit 4

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Title – Clients satisfaction in Ryan air Airline Company


Customer service is integral to any business where it is then able to survive. There will be tours which will also include the travel business which will be comprised of services related to tours which will also be including travel to clients which will be including airlines, car rentals cruise lines, accommodation services which will also include further more.

With the increasing clients needs and demand where is going to be showing the competition in this business sectors is then going to become very high where Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be offering airlines services to the visitors and is then going to be coming up with the cost leadership strategies so it will be able to grebe more potential clients which will come worldwide.

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Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be a Low cost airline where it then will have business worldwide and operates 350 Boeing 737- 800 aircraft where then the airline is then going to be emerged as intent which has been due to rapid expansion, or there will be results of deregulation which will be of the aviation industry.

But there is going to be changes where the company is finding different demand and there then will be choices of clients worldwide and is then going to be making its product and services which has been customized for clients to have better satisfaction.

Aim- The main objective which will also be including the goal is to identify the possible choice of actions which will be of the clients which will be from the airlines services and then will be able to develop the most effective strategic plan which will be for the sustainable development which will be for the Ryan air Airline Company.

Objective: The main objective which will be for this research project will then be given as following

To be able to identify clients needs and demand

To be able to assess Rivals who will be offering in current market segment

To be able to understand the best suitable course of action which will be used to grab more market share

To be able to develop an effective strategic plan which will be used for better and sophisticated products which will also be including the services offering the market?

To be able to satisfy the clients in better and determined approach.


Resource implications


The resources which will be needed in conducting the research are also going to be the HR department which will also be including the financial resources. The human resource will then be the people who are going to be conducting the research and also then are going to be collecting the required data which will be used for the research and by analysing the research data which they then are going to be preparing the research project which will be on the particular issue where then the financial resources will then be the money which will be required to meet the cost which will be for the research project where then for this research project is going to be at a highly costly activity which will then be increasing the expenses which will be for the researcher which has been due to various methodologies which are going to be needed to conduct the research.  The resources will then be needed by the researcher so it is able to conduct the research effectively and also efficiently.


Human resource: The research will then have been conducted which will be on the very important topic public partnerships which then should have transparency and efficiency and to be also including the ways in which the transparency which also includes the efficiency will then have be achieved in the public partnerships.

Cost: Cost is then going to be another factor which is then going to be influencing the research as it is will then be conducted by the different sources where it then will need the financial resources.

Time: The research will then be influenced by the time as this will be highly time consuming and is going to take a lot of time in collecting information which will be through questionnaire and also to be including other sources. For me to analyse any situation and then to also be able to examine the topic which will be related the time which will then be needed and to then to be able to use the intended research where then the time to do this will have to be utilised.

Tours and travel business is then going to be accompanied with it having several set of activities whereby in this particular project there will be a complete level of identification which will be containing all relevant factors which is then going to be used for the products and services that the firm Ryan air Airline Company will be offering. This company is then going to be providing airlines services at a low cost with it then having the view to encourage low income people who will be able to take reap of globalised world. There is then going to be various factors that are then going to be contributed in the process which will be for the research project section.

The growing business competition which will be for the BMI airline industry and also will be including their customized services which will then be offering to their clients.

There will be a ramification of changing needs which includes the demand of clients which will be from the Airlines services.

There will be Globalised economy and deregulation which will be for the aviation industry.

Sophistication in the technology and services that are going to be offered by other rivals in the industry for aviation.

There will be customer’s satisfaction and other economical influential factors which will be on their satisfaction level.

There will be Plans and procedure which will be used to develop effective strategic plans whereby this will then be followed by a tactical decision which will be used to make the Airlines services better.


The business which is Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be offering airlines services which will be used to grab more market share and then able to increase the sustainability of business several strategic plans and also including the procedures are being developed by the company to be able to compete with rivals. In the given scenario that the Airlines industry is flooded with the low cost number of passengers and this will also be carrying low cost budget airlines when they decide to shop.

These will be a low cost budget airlines services which is going to be offered by several organizations which will be including Seaways, Easy Jet, Are Lings and will also be including much more. Therefore there will be a chance to grab more market share and then have the ability to gain more momentum with it going to be having the fierce competition which will then prompt Ryan air Airline Company to be considering the several key references which will then be about the customer satisfaction and this will then be including other influential factors which will then be used for the better understanding of clients.

With it going to be having the help of qualitative data which is then going to be specific and clear in nature which will then be collected from several ways which will be including seminars, door to door visit, where then there will be other feedback forms which then the company Ryan air Airline Company will then know about the students choice of action and what budget that they have for the airlines services that they want from the company.

Furthermore, this quantitative data will then be providing all clients needs and there will then be a huge demand as per their choice of action with it then containing the airlines services which will then be in context with their budget, their likes and dislikes and also the comfort.  Internet and journal books will then be providing the general need of clients with it then going to be having the current offering of Ryan air Airline Company where this will then be shown below is a critical review.

Irish route will then be flooded with high cost airlines services which will be used to grab potential low budget clients where then the firm Ryan air Airline Company is going to be considering to have an lost cost budget airlines services.

Clients’ inclination will then be towards Tours and travel `services and this will also be increasing needs and demand.

There will then be low cost and better effective factors which are then going to be the key factors for development for the international tourism to flourish.

There will be changes in the airlines services as per the sophistication of technology.

There is going to be a Diversity of client choice of action with it then having the respect to budgeted airlines and will also be including other ancillary services at large.

There will also be a Lower down the cost of airlines services which is then going to be increasing the turnover.


There will be a Research project specification which will then be accompanied with several questions and is then going to be identifying the various factors where there will be an identified view point which will be for the subjective matter for the better development which will then have the view points of the user. In this particular research project that I have done, Ryan air Airline Company have now decided to take into consideration all of this and this includes the several research project specifications which is going to be used so that they are able to identify the student satisfaction with it then having the airlines services which is going to be offered by Ryan air Airline Company as a result of all of this.

Research title

There is then going to be the Customer satisfaction in airlines services which will then be offered by the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company

This is going to be the Background and importance of the research program

This research program will be developed with a view of then be identifying the students’ needs and also their demand when it will be a determined approach. Furthermore, Ryan air Airline Company will then be identifying student’s choice of action which will also be including the increasing demand which will be from the international marketing of tourism where there then will be various intents which is then going to be taken into consideration by the student who will be studying at UKBC which will be including the budgeted airlines services and also will include the other complimentary offering which the firm Ryan air Airline Company will be offering.

Research aim- This research main aim is to gather the required information of student which will be for the UKBC and is also going to be including their perception in context with it then having the airlines services which is then going to be offered in international tourism business. There will then be a research objective of this research project which is going to be used to identify the students’ needs and also will be including the choice of actions with it going to be having the offered services in the market where there will then be other objective which is then going to be shown below.

                              To be able to identify the factors which will be for the students  satisfaction with the airlines services

                              To be able to analysis the budgets airlines services which is going to be offered and changes that will be required so that they are able to grab more clients.

Research questions- These questions will be accompanied with it then going to have several questions which depict all of the valuable information that will be used for the UKBC student’s choice of action with it then going to be involving the airlines services. It is then going to be providing data regarding how Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be able to come up with it having the effective airlines offering at large to make more profit.

                              What will be the valuable factors that is then going be playing a very important role in the client’s satisfaction level?

                              How is the valuable measure which is then going to be adopted by the airlines organization are then able to come up with cost effective airlines services?

                              How Airlines services will then be made better for the complete level of satisfaction of clients?

Literature review- The firm which is Ryan air Airline Company has been offering its airlines services with it then having the view to become the largest international player which is going to be offering lowest cost airlines services worldwide. For providing best course of services, then the firm Ryan air Airline Company has been making consistent efforts where they have reduced the cost of airfare and then been able to add more other complementary offers to their bespoke clients at large. UKBC students have taken into consideration for the better understanding which will be for the youth choices with the airlines services which will then also be including what kind of services that they will be expecting from the Aviation industry so that they are satisfied. There will be various factors that will be taken into consideration by the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company which will then be used to have a better understanding of client’s perception and also will be including their view with the budget air services. There is then going to be several factors which are going to have a huge affect on the customer’s satisfaction in airlines services which is shown below:


                              Policies and also including the regulation of Aviation industry

                              Quality of the services which are going to be offered

                              Staffs behaviour

                              Timely departure and arrivals of flights

                              Offers and coupons so that customers are able to book flights

Research philosophy– This will be comprised of clear view point which will then be used for the increasing role for the budgets air services which will then be including how effectively it is then going to be helping the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company to have the ability to grab more market share than they currently have. Low budget air services which is going to be offered by Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be able to assist in exploring new potential clients in today’s world and then have the ability to make enthusiasm in clients to then be able to indulge in air services offered by the firm.

Research design and also including the methodology

                              Introduction- This part of the research report is assisting the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company to be able to collect valuable data and then able to identify the clear view point’s which will be for the UKBC students which is going to be in a determined manner. It is then going to be helping the company to evaluate UKBC student demand and also will be including the need of having a particular lower budget air fare services. There will then be the Sample methodology which is going to be the best suitable choice which will then be used by the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company to then be able to identify the needs which will be for the cost effective strategic plan.

                              Research design- Then the firm, Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be using several quantitative and qualitative data to then be able to evaluate the UKBC students’ perception with it then having the lowest budget air services. Furthermore, there will be several primary data sources which is going to be including the meeting, confrontation with clients, seminars with it going to be including secondary data such as magazines, official gazettes, and also will be including the newspaper which is then going to be helping the organization to be able to identify the several needs and also will be including the demand of student from the services which are going to be offered by the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company.

                              Data collection– This is going to be the collected data with it then going to be having the help of primary and secondary sources which is then going to be assisting Ryan air Airline Company to then be able to identify the changing need and students’ expectation which will then be from the firm.

                              Limitation- The only limitation of data collection will be is that some data which has been collected with the assistance of it having the use of the sample technique. Furthermore, it has been observed that client’s perception change when there will be changes in the sophistication of environment.

                              Ethical consideration- All the data which has been collected is then going to be used with a view to consider all the ethical and also will be including the legal matters in a determined approach.

1.4 And 2.1

Action plan- This is then going to be giving the clear idea about the time duration which also includes the horizon that will be required to complete the determined tasks or taken project and is then going to be involving in developing an effective use of time.












Preparations of plan for gathering data 






Uses of Primary and secondary resources






Conducting research on identifying the UKBC students choice of action






Implementation of plan






Identify the possible choice of actions of students






Establishment of right Airfare for clients






Gantt chart for completion of research project










Matching the resources efficiently to the research questions which will then also be involving the hypothesis is then going to be helping the firm to evaluate several aspects of the clients which will also be including their reciprocate behaviour. The firm that is Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be using several strategic techniques and tools which will be used to make the airlines services a lot better. By using primary and secondary data collection, there then will be the Sources Company which has been able to identify that clients are most indulge when they will be getting cost effective strategies.

Furthermore, this company is then going to be using several question and tools to then be able to identify the most suitable course of action to be used for the evaluating market behaviour and rivals which will be offering in the given market segment. UKBC students have taken into consideration the use of then having to develop an effective idea which will then be about the client’s needs and how the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company has had the ability to increase its turnover in determine approach. With the given analysis or by collection of data which has been from several sources it is being observed that there will then be the U.K average people that are going to be more inclined to budgeted flights where they will then be less likely to then decide to invest their money onto luxurious flights. There is then going to be several research questions which are shown below.

Null hypothesis 

The firm that is Ryan air Airline Company will then be offering its airlines services at a cost that is going to be very low will results into bad effect on its brand image.

Then the UKBC students may be disturbing other client in the flight if they have the ability to be able to use the flight at very low cost.

Hypothesis and assumption

This will comprised of several questionnaire of the Ryan air Airline Company airlines offering services.

Question -1 How Ryan air Airline Company can make its services customized in the given time span?

Answer- By understanding the client’s choice of action and their expectation from the airlines offering services.

Question 2- what budget range of flights clients wants from Ryan air Airline Company to initiate?

Answer- This should be within the budget of lower income person as well so that they could also take reap of international destination 

Question-3 How Company could increase the effectiveness of the services offered in industry?

Answer- By using two strategic plans Ryan air Airline Company could develop the effectiveness

Cost leadership

Product differentiation

Question4- what is the impact of customer satisfaction over the performance of Ryan air Airline Company?

Answer- Customer satisfaction has been viewed as students’ perception with the offered services by Ryan air Airline Company. It is observed that students are very much inclined toward the budgeted services offering consisted with low fair.

Question- 5 What is the relationship between the customer satisfaction and growth of business?

Ryan air Airline Company in order to make sustainable growth needs to establish nexus between company’s growths with the customer’s satisfaction at large. Customer’s satisfaction is related with low cost budgeted offering and it will also increase the organization turnover at large.

Outcome of hypothesis-  This has then had resulted into development of effective use of HR which will be including the management department which also will then be involving other policies makers in the establishment of effective tours and travel packages which will be used for the clients. Furthermore, this company could then have the ability to increase its turnover by reducing the cost of fair charges in determined approach.


The research project which will then be on the client’s satisfaction of the firm that will be Ryan air Airline Company has been taken into consideration for then being able to effectively increase the turnover and then have the ability to grab more market share than they currently have. There is then going to be several data which is then going to be collected by the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company to then be able to develop an effective mechanism. There is then going to be several questions which can have the chance of being asked from UKBC students so that they are able to identify the possible changes which is need to be made in the functioning of the firm that which is Ryan air Airline Company  (Please see the appendix for the Questionnaire).


Primary data- The firm that is Ryan air Airline Company has then been able to collect this data which has been from seminars, direct confrontation with clients, questioner and meetings which has then been at the business spot. This data is qualitative in nature and is then going to be providing clear view points of UKBC students about their choice of action with it then having their budget to adhere to. Furthermore, the firm Ryan air Airline Company could then be able to use this data to come up with several strategic plans to be used to make the airlines services a lot better in the given market segment.

Secondary data- This data is then going to be secondary in nature and is then going to be collected from several sources which will then be including newspapers, magazines, official gazettes and further more. The firm that is Ryan air Airline Company is then going to be using this quantitative data so that they are able to make its services a lot more attainable to clients orientated and sophisticated with it then having the changing environment














 Do you think the Ryan-air is efficient in their work?












Is Ryan-air are transparent in their working?












Does Ryan-air do the following the different ways of improving the transparency and the efficiency?












Ryan air is a major cause of development in the country?












 Ryan-air should use the different ways of making working of the partnerships transparent and the efficient?












There is then going to be a several research evaluation techniques which have the ability to be used by Ryan air Airline Company to then be able to identify the core factors which will be used by the customer’s satisfaction.

Systematic peer review – It is very time consuming approach to evaluate the research report. As in this technique top management get indulge in identifying the core factors of the clients satisfaction.

Survey and consultants– This is used to identify the real output of the data collection process and helps Ryan air Airline Company to evaluate the main objective of the research program.

Bibiometric analysis– This analysis helps organization to evaluate the efficiency of the data and determine the quality of the data collected by Ryan air Airline Company in context with client’s choice of actions.

Case study analysis– This evaluation technique is broadly accepted and observed as a best suitable course which helps Ryan air Airline Company to identify the future potentials and global trends in aviation industry at large.




This following technique is then going to be used to be able to gather relevant information UKBC students. Their views, perceptions, effectiveness which will be of their works, experiences and their choice of action is then going to be taken into consideration to then have the ability to having a better development of the firm. A narrow focused survey will then be used to specifically answer the questions and also the hypothesis test.


Table-1 Impact of customer satisfaction which will be over the performance of the firm that is Ryan air Airline Company is both on the same side



Highly agree

80 %


10 %

No Answer

10 %



Highly Disagree


Table-2: This is then going to be the Budget range which will be for the flights clients that is then going to have the desire to initiate from the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company



Highly agree

70 %


20 %

No Answer

10 %



Highly Disagree


Table- 3: This will be that the Student agree with the changes in the cost of the Air Fair



Highly agree

50 %


10 %

No Answer

10 %


20 %

Highly Disagree

10 %

Analysis – This information will be depicting that there will be more that 80 % of UKBC students have actually agreed with the offered cost effective series which has been by the firm that is Ryan air Airline Company. Only step which is needed is that the company needs to do right now is then have to evaluate the performance and its quality aspects in context with the client’s choice of actions.

Table-4: This is then going to be the Reason student uses Airlines which will be from the firm which is Ryan air Airline Company




50 %


10 %

No purpose

10 %

Several purpose

20 %

Exploring new places

10 %



A majority of the student of UKBC has depicted that Ryan air Airline Company has been showcasing that

Students are offered several discounts and other coupon codes by other compotators in the market which are used while booking flights

Student is more inclined toward the sophistication of services offered in the market in context with airline services

Students satisfaction is related with cost effective strategy and finds less indulge in costly fairs charge.

Students are grabbing offers and coupon codes more speedily then other respondent in the given market segment.

Company is facing problems of 70 % cases late departure and arrivals at the port.

Ryan air Airline Company is being indulged in making effective cost leadership plan in its airlines services offering.

Recommendation- With it then having the complete research program which will then be depicted that Ryan air Airline Company is then going to have to lower down its fair charges in determined manner and then will have to provide several offers to clients in order to attract them. In addition to this quality of the airlines services than will have to be managed accordingly in context with it then having the sophistication of technology. It is then going to be advisable for the Ryan air Airline Company to be able to set up the cost differently to different segment of groups. However, this technique will result into a small trouble but eventually; the company will find that anonymous amount of increment in its sales turnover throughout the time. Apart from that, then the firm will have to rectify the problems which are then going to be faced by the firm such as late departure and arrivals, where there then will be no refund at the time of cancellation and further more.

Task 4

4.1 And 4.2


The firm that is Ryan air Airline Company has been selected in this research project to then being able to identify the valuable effective use of different set of parts of this research project which has been in a determined manner. Several parts and segments which has been used for this research project has been focusing on the imperative factors and also will be including valuable strategic decision. To conclude this report final words would be that the firm will then have to make effective choice of actions to then be able to develop qualitative services in the given market segment.


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