The Windows Xp Operating System Computer Science Essay Free Essay Example

Windows XP is one of the most accessible versions of any Microsoft operating system. It is built on the Windows NT meat and architecture and it is the first consumer-oriented operating system. Therefore, this paper is a survey of Windows XP and Linux will be used to compare with Windows XP, owing to that Linux is an operating system that can be installed on a assortment of computing machine hardware and there are over 3,200 developer from 200 companies contributed to the Linux meat.

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We organize the content into three chapters which show as below:

Microsoft Windows XP is the short for Windows “ experience ” . Windows XP was being planned since the Windows 2000 is under development. It was so officially launched in New York City as Windows XP Operating System in October 25, 2001. It is released with a redesigned expression and it is available in 25 linguistic communications. Windows XP had improved visuals, memory direction, every bit good as security to the computing machine. 17million of Windows XP transcripts was sold out in a short clip of 2 months and more than 200 million of transcripts so sold in 2 twelvemonth.

Windows XP was originally brought in to be an OS which would unite the best characteristics of the newest concern OS, Windows 2000, and Windows 98 Second Edition ( SE ) . Windows XP is designed to assist users who may non be familiar with old Windows OS characteristics and it besides comes with a twosome of new abilities to ease the usage of Windows XP for those users. It includes a series of new characteristics which is non found in the old versions of Microsoft Windows OS such as Internet Explorer 6, customizable new interface, automatically updates from the cyberspace, and multilingual support which support different linguistic communications.

Intended for computing machines that are portion of a corporate web, for the bulk of computing machines on little webs, and for place users who need certain advanced capablenesss. With a trade name new ocular design, it has the characteristics for concern and advanced place computer science, including distant desktop support, system restore and advanced networking characteristics

Windows XP requires a Central processing unit with at least 233MHz with a pick of Intel Pentium / Celeron processor or AMD K6 / Athlon / Duron processor, while the recommended CPU clock velocity is 300MHz. The recommended RAM is 128MB and the minimal RAM is 64MB. The installing of Windows XP will necessitate to devour at least 1.5 GB of difficult disc infinite. An optical thrust, a show proctor with at least 800 ten 600 declarations, a keyboard and a mouse are besides needed to voyage through the whole installing procedure. The hardware demands for Windows XP are summarized in the tabular array below:

Clock Speed

300MHz ( Recommended )

233MHz ( Minimum )


Intel Pentium/Celeron,

AMD K6/Athlon/Duron or


Random-access memory

128MB ( Recommended )

64MB ( Minimum )

Hard Disk Space


Read-only memory

CD/DVD Drive

Video Adapter

Super VGA ( 800 x 600 ) or higher-resolution

I/O Devicess

Compatible keyboard & A ; mouse

Table 3 System Requirement

1.3 Compare the Memory Management with Linux

Memory direction is one of the importance nucleuss of the operating system, particularly the direction of chief memory. Virtual memory is one of the solutions that developed to get the better of the demand of memory. Below is the comparing of the memory direction between Windows XP and Linux.

There are few thing that will be compared in this subdivision, they are:

Virtual size

Address interlingual rendition

The item of memory direction about Windows XP will be descripted in the analysis of memory direction.

A tabular array of comparing between Windows XP and Linux will be illustrated as below

The difference about memory direction between Windows XP and Linux will be carried out in this subdivision ( Solomon & A ; Russinovich, 2006 ) .

Windows XP


32bit version split user-mode and kernel manner from 2GB /2GB to 3GB/1GB

split user-mode and kernel manner 3GB/1GB

Linux 2.6 has 4/4 split option where the meat has its ain reference infinite.

Demand-paged practical memory

32 or 64 spot


Share memory

Memory mapped files

Demand-paged practical memory

32 or 64 spot


Share memory

Memory mapped files

Two-level hierarchal memory map

Page directory tabular array

Page directory entries ( PDEs ) point to page table

One page directory table per procedure

Page tabular array

Page table entries ( PTEs ) point to page frame

Using TLB ( Translation Look-aside Buffer ) to speed up address interlingual rendition.

Three degree of page tabular arraies to manage 64bit references.

Page planetary directory

Page in-between directory

Page tabular array

On x86 processors

Merely a two-level page tabular array is really used. That is page table and page center directory which contains precisely one entry.

Paging is supported in hardware

TLB is provided every bit good

Table 4 Compare Memory Management Windows XP and Linux

Figure 2 Linux Virtual Address Translation

Figure 3 Windows XP Virtual Address Translation

Chapter 2: Installation

2.1 Installation Stairss

Insert the Windows XP installing Cadmium into the CD- ROM/DVD-ROM.

Put the first boot device as the CD-ROM. The Boot Menu can be entree by pressing the “ F10 ” key during boot up for newer theoretical account of Personal computer or laptop or manually configure the first boot device in the BIOS.

Restart the computing machine and it will now boot from the CD-ROM. Upon successful burden from the CD-ROM, a screen will look as Figure 4. Strike any cardinal to initialise the installing procedure.

Figure 4 Stairss 3

The installing of Windows XP will get down. The 1st portion of the installing is command-based while the ulterior part is GUI-based. The underside of the installing screen will supply bid keys that we will be utilizing to interact with the system throughout the installing.

Figure 5

Figure 5 show a welcome screen with the option to put up a new Windows XP, to mend a Windows XP installing or to discontinue the apparatus without installing. Hit the “ ENTER ” key to continue with the installing.

The following screen as shown in Figure 6 is the Windows XP License Agreement page. Hit “ F8 ” to hold and go on with the installing or “ ESC ” key to call off the installing procedure or “ Page DOWN ” key to see the following page of the licence understanding.

Figure 6

The following measure, Windows will seek for any bing Windows installed in the system. If there are other versions of Windows installed, Figure 7 will look. The option available from here on either to mend the antecedently installed Windows or to put in a fresh new transcript of the Windows.

Figure 7

If there are no Windows installed antecedently in the system, it will expose Figure 8. In this measure, it will expose all available difficult thrusts in the system. There are three options to choose, the first is to setup a new Windows in the selected thrust, the 2nd is to make a divider on the selected thrust and the concluding option is to cancel the selected divider.

Figure 8

Remove any antecedently created divider by pressing “ D ” or make new divider by pressing “ C ” . Choose the divider in which Windows XP will be installed and imperativeness “ ENTER ” to continue to the following screen.

Figure 9In Figure 9, the divider selected has to be formatted with the available file system listed. The recommended file system for Windows XP is NTFS ( New Technology File System ) . To execute a speedy format, select “ Format the divider utilizing the NTFS file system ( Quick ) ” and hit the “ ENTER ” key. In the following few minutes, the divider will be formatted and be installed with Windows XP file system ( Figure 10 ) .

Figure 10

Upon finishing the above, the system will re-start automatically. The screen in Figure 3 will look once more this clip, but DO NOT hit any cardinal as this will merely take you through the whole procedure get downing from measure 5 to 10 but wait alternatively until Figure 11 appear.

Figure 11

Installation continues after Figure 12, and the approximative clip of completion is 30 – 45 proceedingss. After some clip, Figure 11 will look bespeaking for customization of part and linguistic communication options. If there is no customization needed, chink on the “ Following ” button to continue.

Figure 12

Figure 13 requires the information of the name and the organisation. Upon finishing, click “ Following ” to continue to the following screen.

Figure 13

Figure 14 requires the Windows XP licence figure to be input. Click “ Next ” upon completion.

Figure 14

The following screen ( Figure 15 ) petition of the computing machine name and watchword if needed. Click “ Next ” after make fulling up the necessary field.

Figure 15

This screen ( Figure 16 ) petition of the clip zone of the installed system. Upon snaping “ Following ” , the installing will go on.

Figure 16

After 10 proceedingss subsequently, a screen on networking scenes will look ( Figure 17 ) . If there are any info to configure, select “ Custom scenes ” and configure the networking constituents. If there are none, select “ Typical scenes ” and snap “ Following ” to finish the installing,

Figure 17

Once Figure 18 appears, this marks the completion of Windows XP installing. Click “ Next ” to setup the computing machine and make user histories. When the computing machine petition to trip Windows, select “ Skip ” and choose “ No ” when asked to register with Microsoft web site. Doing so is to forestall virus to come in into the system as there is no antivirus package installed.

Figure 18

Chapter 3: Analysis

3.1 User Interface

A user interface is an intersection between user and the OS. While an interface is a set of bids or bill of fare which user can utilize it to pass on with the OS. By and large, there are two cardinal methods allow users to pass on with the operating system. They are CLI and GUI which will be descripted subsequently in this subdivision.

3.1.1 CLI ( Command Line Interface/Command Interpreter )

Main map of the bid translator is to read and put to death the specified bids entered by the user. A batch of bids given at this degree are used to pull strings files: create, delete, move, transcript and more. Now there are besides two methods to in which these bids can be implemented.

Figure 19

The first method shown above ( Figure 19 ) implies that, the bid translator itself has the codification to put to death user entered bids.

Figure 20

While for the 2nd method ( Figure 20 ) whenever bid translator could non understand the bids entered by user in any manner, what will go on, it merely utilize the bid to place a file to be loaded to the chief memory and so executed.

3.1.2 GUI ( Graphical User Interface )

Apart from Command Line Interface, there is besides a 2nd manner which a user can interact with the operating system is through GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) . The Graphical User Interface was developed in early 1981 by Alan Kay, Douglas Engelbart, and a group of other researches at Xerox PARC. In this interface, it provides user with a mouse based window and a bill of fare system as the interface alternatively of merely come ining tiring bids through the Command Line Interface. A Graphical User Interface provides a desktop image where the mouse arrow moves its place on images, or icons, on the screen ( desktop ) that represent plans, files, directories, and system maps harmonizing to how our mouse moves on a mouse tablet. By snaping the mouse button, a mouse arrow can put to death a plan, select, move, create, and cancel a file or directory which is recognized as a booklet

Figure 21 Windows XP

Unlike a Command Line Interface, Graphical User Interface is more suited for a computing machine nonreader user to larn and utilize because there is no demand for users to memorise or to acquire usage with specific bids in order to pass on with the Operating System. Due to the easiness of usage, now a twenty-four hours GUI OS have become the dominant OS which is used by most of the users.

The UI is really of import for any plans created because it will find how easy you can teach the plan to make what you want to. The pick of whether we should utilize a CLI or GUI OS is largely depending on us. Some users may prefer a CLI OS more than a GUI OS because they provides a strong shell interfaces.

3.2 Process Control Management

A procedure is a plan in executing manner. It is said to be in the running province if it is presently in the CPU. A procedure will be in the out of use province if it is waiting for some event to happen. The procedure will so be transportation to a out of use list where all procedure are in asleep manner or inactive, waiting for events that will wake up it. A procedure will be in ready province if it is waiting to come in the CPU. All procedure in ready province will be in a ready list or ready waiting line. The procedure will come in the CPU based on the programming algorithm. A procedure may exchange its province at any minute, and therefore a record is needed to guarantee that all procedure will be able to finish its undertaking. All these information and more are recorded in procedure control block ( PCB ) .

3.2.1 Process Control Block

The PCB is a information construction incorporating of import information about the procedure which includes the below:

The current province of the procedure

Unique designation of the procedure

A arrow to the procedure ‘s parent ( the procedure that created this procedure )

Arrows to the procedure ‘s kid processes ( procedures created by this procedure )

The procedure ‘s precedence

Arrows to turn up the procedure ‘s memory

Arrows to allocated resources

A registry save country

The processor it is running on ( in multiprocessor system )

The PCB is really of import and serves as a shop of information that allows the OS to turn up all critical information about a procedure. When the CPU switches between active procedures, it will mention to the information saved in PCB in order to re-start the procedure the following clip it is in the CPU.

3.2.2 Scheduling Algorithm

Procedures in the ready list or ready waiting line demands to come in into the CPU but the choice of which procedure to come in first is really critical as to avoid famishment. Besides that, all procedure has to be treated reasonably and throughput has to be maximized. This complex job is solved utilizing scheduling algorithm. The scheduling algorithm will find which procedure will come in the CPU first and for how long it will stay in the CPU.

In general, there are two sorts of scheduling algorithms, pre-emptive and nonpreemptive. In pre-emptive programming algorithms, the procedure will be forcefully removed from the CPU upon having a bid from the OS. Examples of pre-emptive programming algorithms are circular redbreast and multilevel feedback waiting line. In nonpreemptive programming algorithms, the procedure will merely go out the CPU upon completion. Examples of nonpreemptive programming algorithms are foremost in first out ( FIFO ) , shortest occupation foremost ( SJF ) and precedence.

Windows XP uses a priority-based, pre-emptive programming algorithm. This algorithm will guarantee that the higher precedence procedure will be executed in the CPU foremost. The procedure will go on to run until it is preempted by a higher precedence procedure, until it finishes, until its clip quantum terminals or until it switches to a block province. When a higher precedence procedure becomes ready while a lower precedence is running in the CPU, the lower precedence procedure will be preempted. All procedures will have a precedence encouragement after a wait event, but processes with a keyboard I/O delay will see a greater encouragement than those in a disc I/O delay

3.3 Deadlock Management

“ A procedure in a concurrent execution system is said to be in a province of dead end ( or deadlocked ) if it is waiting for a peculiar event that will non happen. ” ( Deitel, 1990, p. 155 ) In short, a dead end occurs when a procedure ‘s petition for resources – be it a infinite in the chief memory or information from the waiter – will ne’er be fulfill.

A simple illustration of how deadlock occurs is shown in Figure 22. Process A petitions for Resource 2. While on the other manus, Process B is keeping Resource 2 and is bespeaking for Resource 1 which is being held by Process A. Each procedure is waiting for the resource to be freed and each procedure will non let go of the presently held resource until it acquires the following resource. This round delay will do an indefinite delay and is the chief feature of a dead end system.

Procedure A

Procedure B

Resource 1

Resource 2





Figure 22 Example of a dead end system

Harmonizing to Havender, there are four conditions which must be in consequence for a dead end to happen. There are

Procedures claim sole control of the resource they require ( common exclusion status ) .

Procedures hold resources already allocated to them while waiting for extra resources ( delay for status ) .

Resource can non be removed from the procedures keeping them until the resources are used to completion ( no pre-emption status ) .

A round concatenation of procedures exists in which each procedure holds one or more resources that are requested by the following procedure in the concatenation ( round delay status ) .

Therefore, the manner to get the better of the dead end system is to use bar, turning away, sensing and recovery method. In dead end bar, the scheme is to take any possibility of a dead end happening. Prevention is a clean solution but lacks in a good resource use system. While being so, it is the most widely used method.

In dead end turning away, the end is to enforce less stiff conditions while seeking to acquire better resource use. Avoidance does non intend to take all possibility of dead end but allows dead end to loom but carefully avoid it whenever a dead end attacks.

In dead end sensing, a dead end is allowed to take topographic point either volitionally or unwillingly. Once the dead end occurs, the system will place which procedure and resource is involved and cleared it from the system.

In dead end recovery, dead ends are cleared from the system, so that the procedure may finish its executing and let go of the resources. This method may non be the best as most of the rose-cheeked procedure will either loss portion of the work if non all of the work antecedently done.

Windows XP applied multilevel feedback waiting line scheduling algorithm to forestall dead end from go oning by dividing the ready waiting line to three separate waiting lines. Each waiting line has its ain programming algorithm with the first two using unit of ammunition redbreast scheduling algorithm with different clip quantum and last waiting line utilizing foremost in first out scheduling algorithm. A new procedure enters into the first ready waiting line and delaies for its bend. When it enters into the CPU, the procedure will have 8 msecs. If it does non finish within the clip quantum, it will be preempted and travel to the 2nd waiting line. In the 2nd waiting line it will wait for its bend to come in into the CPU one time more. Upon come ining the CPU, it will have 16 msecs to finish its undertaking. If it is still non completed after 16 msecs, it will be preempted once more and come in the 3rd waiting line where the procedure will be finish upon come ining the CPU utilizing the first in first out scheduling algorithm. The full procedure is illustrated in Figure 23.

Figure 23 Multilevel Feedback Queue

Quantum = 8ms

Quantum = 16ms

First in First out




Central processing unit




3.4 Memory Management

In most of the modern computing machine, they will hold a memory hierarchy with volatile cache, volatile chief memory ( RAM ) and nonvolatilizable disc shop. Operating system is responsible to organize how these memories are used. The memory director is responsible for pull offing the memory hierarchy. Its importance undertaking includes implement practical memory, copy-on-write memory, big memory support and organize the base for the cache director.

There are two general attacks to the memory direction can be used. The simplest scheme called Swapping. However, Windows XP is utilizing another scheme called Virtual Memory which allows plan to run even they are merely a portion of the plan swapped in the chief memory.

3.4.1 Virtual Memory

Windows XP will utilize the practical memory to compensate when the random entree memory ( RAM ) is insufficiency to run a plan or operation. When a computing machine is short of RAM, practical memory will travel the informations or codification from RAM to a infinite that called paging file. By making this, the RAM will be free up and is able to finish the work.

In the practical memory system, each procedure has its ain practical memory, called an reference infinite. In Windows XP 32-bit edition, the practical reference infinite is 4 Gs ( GB ) and in can be split into two dividers from 2 GB is used by procedure another 2GB is used by system to 3GB for procedure and 1GB for system ( MSDN Library, 2011 ) . In 64-bit Windows XP, each procedure has the practical reference infinite about 7152GB on IA-64 spot system and 8192 GB on x64 system ( Russinovich & A ; Solomon, 2008 ) . All procedure can entree its practical reference infinite, but the address infinite is private and can non be accessed by other procedure, unless it has been shared.

Figure 24 64-bit Windows XP VM infinite

Figure 24 32-bit Windows XP VM infinite

3.4.2 How Windows XP Handles Memory Management

Figure 25 Virtual memory demand for 25 operations selected from an hour-long hint



System informations



The figure 25 show that, the sum of practical memory use which used by a figure of operation taken from a long-running work load state of affairs on Windows XP. The work load contained office productiveness plan and web browse and the operation involved activity such as get downing up an application, salvaging and publishing paperss, opening and shuting a file or web page. The practical memory shown the available sum of memory that can keep all the codification and informations used in the operation and all the resource that are locked into a computing machine memory. Harmonizing to ( Microsoft, n.d ) the practical memory can be used by the followers:

The infinite taken by application. For the operation that depend about wholly on the system service, such as opening a web page, to significant, as when an application starts and must initialise itself. This can be seldom from different.

The infinite taken by the driver codification. This is comparatively immutable, on history of much of the codification driver is locked in the memory or is in regular usage.

The allocated and mapped informations used by the system. This contains register informations, many system informations construction, and files accessed by runing system.

The infinite used by the system itself. This consists of the infinite used by the shell and all the system ‘s service processes.

3.4.5 Allocating Memory for Application

In the Figure 25, each operation takes from 20 MB to 50 MB of the practical memory. The operating system will administer the physical memory to map this practical memory. The single operation can easy suit in 64 MB of RAM, but if the user would wish to continue from operation to operation, some of the content will be replaced. As Figure 3 shown that, the sum of 256 MB of distinguishable pages were touched. If back-to-back operations overlap to a great extent in the practical memory they touch, the new operation will necessitate a small or no I/O. Switch from one application to other is likely to affect a larger alteration in the contents of the practical space.A

3.4.6 Balancing Memory Resources

There is no exclusive “ memory demand ” for an application or the system. When the physical memory is lacking, the system will pay for the I/O punishments as the user proceed from operation to operation. When physical memory is non sufficient, the system will non necessitate to pay for I/O punishments, because the system has used the memory to prevent it.

The operating system will take which pages to maintain and which to acquire rid of. Thus, the figure of pages in usage entirely does non stand for a step of memory required. The memory director will let the procedure to turn beyond its upper limit when it is paging to a great extent and there is adequate memory. However, when there is no paging and high demand for physical memory on the system, memory director will shrivel a procedure below its working set minimal to do the memory available.

3.4.7 Placement Policy

Windows XP implements a combination of local ( each procedure selects from its ain set of allocated frames ) and planetary replacing policyi??process selects a replacing frame from the set of all framesi?‰ . Common replacing policies include least late used ( LRU ) and first in, foremost out ( FIFO ) . The LRU algorithm requires the practical memory system to track when a page in memory is used. It will replace the procedure that has non been used for a long clip. The FIFO algorithm it removes the page that has been in physical memory for a long prior of clip, even the procedure is in usage.

3.5 Secondary Disk Scheduling Management

3.5.1 Secondary Storage

Secondary storage is a last degree of file system. It is the patterned advance from magnetic tapes to discs. Compared to discs, magnetic tape ‘s entree clip is much slower. Magnetic tapes are normally used to hive away and backup infrequently used informations.

3.5.2 Disk Scheduling

Disk programming is the operation systems which is responsible to utilize the hardware efficiency. There are two standards for disc drivers which is fast entree clip and besides to increase disc bandwidth.

Basically entree clip has two major constituents

Seek Time refers to the clip for the disc arm to travel the caput of the cylinder containing desired sector

Rotational Latency is the extra waiting clip for the disc to revolve to the desired sector of the disc caput

Disk bandwidth is the entire figure of bytes transferred divided by the entire clip between the first petitions for service to the completion of the last transportation.

When a procedure needs an input/output from the disc, system calls are sent to the operating system. If the disc is free, so bespeak will be serviced. Else, the petition will be located on a waiting line.

3.5.3 Disk Scheduling Algorithms

There are 6 types of disc scheduling algorithms which are:

First Come First Serve

Shortest Seek Time First




C-LOOK First Come First Serve

FCFS is the simplest disc scheduling algorithm among the others. It is n’t supplying the fastest service. As the petition arrives they are placed on a waiting line and are satisfied in order of reaching.

Figure 26 FCFS disc scheduling Shortest Seek Time First

SSTF prioritise the first petition which is nearest to the current caput place, it minimizes the seek clip. Requests can get at any clip but the petition which located furthest from the caput will necessitate to wait for a long clip before it gets serviced.

Figure 27 SSTF disc scheduling SCAN

The disc starts at one terminal and move towards the other terminal, scanning back and Forth. The caput contraries and moves back. It serves petitions while traveling back. If petition ranges right in forepart of the caput so it will acquire serviced foremost. However if a petition reaches merely after the dorsum of the caput, the petition will necessitate to wait until the arm moves back. SCAN is besides known as the lift syndrome.

Figure 28 Scan disc programming C-SCAN

Figure 29 C-SCAN disc shedulingJust like SCAN disc scheduling algorithm, C-SCAN is a discrepancy. It is a round scan. It starts serving from the caput until it reaches the terminal, so the arm moves back without serving any petitions on waiting line. Expression

The disc arm moves from one terminal to the other merely like SCAN and C-SCAN. Alternatively of traveling to the terminal of the disc like SCAN disc scheduling algorithm, LOOK goes every bit far as the concluding petition.

Queue = 23, 89, 132, 42, 187

There are 200 cylinders numbered from 0 – 199 ; Head starts at 100

Figure 30 LOOK disc sheduling C-LOOK

C-Look disc scheduling algorithm starts from the current caput and moves towards the terminal and Michigans at the last petition without traveling to the terminal of the disc. When contrary back, it does non serve any petitions on waiting line.

Figure 31 C-LOOK disc programming

3.6 Standard Support

Most of the Windows user will jump right past the Help files in Windows 95 and 98, which are due to a Help engine that ‘s highly hard to voyage. In Windows Me and 2000, the HTML-based interface is much easier to utilize, but the online Help file still a user manual that is in a little pieces and necessitate to be update ( Bott et al. , 2001 ) .

In Windows XP, The Help And Support Center in Home and Professional have include tremendous aggregation of resource in every degree of experience. Besides that, Windows XP besides provide excess integrated into the Help And Support Center like ( Bott et al. , 2001 ) :

Linkss to system tools and public-service corporations which includ Disk Defragmenter, System Configuration Utility ( Msconfig ) , Network Diagnostics and Windows Update, all of which run within the Help And Support Center window.

Syntax and usage information for 175 alphabetically command-line options.

Supply the links that can roll up up-to-date information about your system and current constellation, with inside informations about all installed hardware, package, and services.

Able to entree to error logs, position of services and other advanced system information.

Able to entree to Group Policy scenes ( Windows XP Professional merely ) .

Enable links to external information beginnings, such as the Microsoft Knowledge Base and an mixture of Windows-focused newsgroups.

Entree to Remote Assistance, which allows a Windows XP user to inquire a friend for aid ; the more experient user can link straight to the machine sing the job via the Internet or a local country web and do needed fixs or constellation alterations straight.

Figure 32




Help subject: This left-hand column list down the common Help subject. This list besides replaces the Help Contents page in the old Windows version.

The Did You Know: this is provided by Microsoft support.

Ask for aid and pick a undertaking: lead to the tools and support resource.

3.6.1 Using the Aid and Support Center Searching for aid subject

Figure 33

The hunt consequence can be interrupt down into three groups:

Suggested Subject: the Help and Support Center will demo user some suggested subject harmonizing to the keyword that the user entered.

Full-Text Search Matched: this group will demo the subject where the content of Help and Support Center lucifer with the stages that user entered.

Microsoft Knowledge Base: This group searches Microsoft ‘s extended aggregation of certification for bug holes and proficient accounts that are n’t available in the local Help files

Figure 325Using the Help Index

The text box in the Index list resembles the Search box, but it behaves rather otherwise. As you key in a text in this box, the Index choice leaps to the first subject which matches the first characters that you entered. The comparing is based on the beginning of the description. For illustration, if you enter a word “ networking ” , it will demo the group of subjects that begin with that keyword, alternatively of the “ Home Networking ” entry ( Bott et al. , 2001 ) .

There are many other undertakings you can make it by utilizing Help and Support Center, for illustration custom-making the Aid and support centre, sharing Help files, linking to another Personal computer with distant aid and linking to Microsoft support.


Below is the tabular array of comparing between Windows XP and Windows 7 in user interface, procedure control direction, dead end direction, secondary disc scheduling direction and standard support.


Windows XP

Windows 7

User Interface

Classic/Default Start Menu

Run icon

Easy to custom-make Start Menu

3 default desktop icons


Search box in start bill of fare

Aero Flip 3D

Without Run icon

1 default desktop icons

Procedure Control

priority-based, pre-emptive programming algorithm

Deadlock Management

Multilevel Feedback Queue scheduling algorithm

Secondary Disk

Shortest Seek Time First


Shortest Seek Time First

Standard Support

Aid and Support map with on-line support capablenesss.

Table 5 Comparison


Operating system is the bosom of the computing machine system without which the computing machine will merely be a piece of hardware. The operating system is made up of complex algorithms and mathematical computations. Algorithms like priority-based, pre-emptive CPU programming algorithm, multilevel feedback waiting line scheduling algorithm, least late used page replacing algorithm and foremost in first out page replacing algorithm all work closely to guarantee that the user will hold the best experience in utilizing the Windows XP runing system.

Besides that, like a traffic constabulary, OS ensures that all procedures and users in the networked environment do non interfere with one another. OS besides communicates with I/O devices like keyboard, mouse and proctor for the user to interact with the system. With an synergistic and advanced GUI, Windows XP have proved to be a dependable operating system in its clip.

Limitation/Extension Case Study

A study was conducted online with 101 people on which OS do they prefer when given a pick of Windows XP & A ; Linux. 89 individuals selected Windows XP, with a ratio of 51.69 % females and 48.31 males while 12 others selected Linux

OS Selected


Windows XP






Table 6 Survey of OS

Why do you take Windows XP?


Compatibility with 3rd party application


Easy to put in


Easy to utilize




Good graphical user interface ( GUI )


Market incursion


None of the above




Table 7 Reason of OS

Chart 1 Breakdown of Reason

Restriction of instance survey

Due to the inaccessibility of a computing machine system, the installing procedure was done based on personal experience and all screenshots was taken from web sites. In add-on, this assignment did non give a elaborate comparing about user interface, procedure control direction, secondary disc programming, dead end and standard support owing to the misinterpretation of the assignment inquiry, but we have did an overall comparing on it.



Group Number #

Team Member Names

Research and Investigation ( 30 )

Installation ( 20 )

Documentation ( 10 )

Referencing ( 10 )

Group Marks ( 70 )

Analysis ( 15 )

Presentation ( 15 )

Ind. Marks ( 30 )

Total ( 100 )































Minutess of Weekly Meetings

Week 1

Meeting Name

1st meeting




TPM ( Syndicate Room )



Members Present

Members Absent

Simon Shu Sun Ming

Ng Wern Ken

Liow Kok Siong

Agenda of the Meeting:

Choose the operating system

Specify the work to each member



Action Point


Scheduled Closing Date

Choose the operating system

Decide to make Windows XP,

the comparing OS is Linux.

All members

Specify the work to each member

Each member chooses a subject under analysis.

All members


All members should make a research about Windows XP in order to make the debut of Windows XP in following meeting.

All members


Week 2

Meeting Name

2nd meeting




TPM ( Syndicate Room )



Members Present

Members Absent

Simon Shu Sun Ming

Ng Wern Ken

Liow Kok Siong

Agenda of the Meeting:

Discuss the research job

Member report their current advancement.



Action Point


Scheduled Closing Date

Discuss the research job

Member portion their research stuffs ( books ) to the other to work out research job.

Windows XP inside out

Windows Internal

All members

Report current advancement

Members portion their information that has been found.

All members


Week 3

Meeting Name

3nd meeting




ENT ( 3-2 mob room )



Members Present

Members Absent

Simon Shu Sun Ming

Ng Wern Ken

Liow Kok Siong

Agenda of the Meeting:

Discuss the debut and complete it.

Discuss the system hardware demand



Action Point


Scheduled Closing Date

Discuss the debut and complete it.

Members give their sentiment and leader arranges and writes it down.

All members

Discuss the system hardware demand

Complete the System hardware demand. Leader will finalize it and direct to all members via e-mail by 15/3/2011.

All members


Week 4

Meeting Name

4nd meeting




TPM ( L1-6 )



Members Present

Members Absent

Simon Shu Sun Ming

Ng Wern Ken

Liow Kok Siong

Agenda of the Meeting:

Discuss the 2nd phase of the assignment.

Meeting issue



Action Point


Scheduled Closing Date

Discuss the memory direction

Members discuss the difference between Windows XP and Linux. Leader writes it down and arrange in the tabular array.

All members

Meeting issue

There will be no meeting on following hebdomad.

All members should treat their analysis.

The following meeting is on 28/3/2011.

All members


Week 5

Meeting Name

5nd meeting




TPM ( L2-3 )



Members Present

Members Absent

Simon Shu Sun Ming

Ng Wern Ken

Liow Kok Siong

Agenda of the Meeting:

Discuss the 2nd of the assignment

Discus about the Extension survey



Action Point


Scheduled Closing Date

Discuss the 2nd of the assignment.

Members report their work and discourse about the subject that members misunderstand.

All analysis do non necessitate to make comparing, member should concentrate more on Windows XP.

All members

Discus about the Extension survey

Conduct a study about Windows XP and Linux

All members


Week 6

Meeting Name

6nd meeting




LAB L3 – 05



Members Present

Members Absent

Simon Shu Sun Ming

Ng Wern Ken

Liow Kok Siong

Agenda of the Meeting:

Report the second phase of the assignment advancement

Extension survey



Action Point


Scheduled Closing Date

Report the second phase of the assignment advancement.

Members report their work advancement.

All members

Extension survey

Near the study on cyberspace. Document the study consequence and make chart.

All members


Week 7

Meeting Name

7nd meeting




TPM ( Syndicate room )



Members Present

Members Absent

Simon Shu Sun Ming

Ng Wern Ken

Liow Kok Siong

Agenda of the Meeting:

Unite the 2nd phase of the assignment

Review the whole assignment

Define the last work



Action Point


Scheduled Closing Date

Unite the 2nd phase of the assignment

Members give the softcopy to leader. Leader does the data format and combination.

All members

Review the whole assignment

Leader gives each member a concluding assignment. Members pinpoint and describe the job to leader.

All members

Define the last work

Ken and Simon – Check the whole assignment once more.

Siong- print out and adhering.

All member


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